Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sweater Love

Lots of projects in the works here...and even one finished to check off the list! Lilla's soft pink cotton sweater is done. Though it fits her now, it has some growing room. My hope is that she can still wear it come Spring.

My biggest push right now is to complete the Advent calendar garland made with 24 miniature stockings. I have seen this idea presented in the Magic Cabin Dolls catalog and have always wanted to make my own. The stockings are made up from reclaimed woolen sweaters trimmed with salvaged bits of lace, rick rack and buttons. There are still a few more to finish before the weekend. For each day of advent I plan to put in the stocking a treasure, treat or coupon to redeem for some holiday related activity. There are lots of ideas for things to do so as not to fill up with just trinkets, though they probably will get a few of those, too. Many of the activities are things we usually do as a family. As Christmas draws near, the kids are filled with anticipation. My aim is to slow things down to savor the full season. I'm very excited about some of the activities and will share them as they come.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Our Secret Weapon

"Lilla is like a weapon," Rowan claims. What is that supposed to mean? Much to my dismay, Rowan has been enamored with weapons for a long time. Whether it is a light saber, slingshot, sword, bow and arrow, or gun, he likes it. My feelings on this obsession swing back and forth. At times I want to toss out every weapon we have acquired, but I know that Rowan can turn a stick into a deadly weapon. Of course, the stick supply is limitless (and those pointy ends are more dangerous!) At other times I just go with the flow so as not to create a 'forbidden fruit,' but it doesn't seem to matter. Although this topic continues to frustrate me, I understand that it is a rather common interest for other boys.

Anyway, back to the Lilla as weapon subject. Well, it is Lilla's ability to spit up, bite (ouch those little teeth are sharp) and pull hair that in Rowan's mind make her one keen weapon. He truly loves Lilla and perhaps describing her in this way is just another way to show it. For all my complaints about the weapons, he is still a sweet and kind brother (most of he time).

Check out those teeth!

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Thanksgiving has come and gone. We just returned from spending the last five days down in Virginia. We had safe travels, gorgeous weather, delicious food, and fun - for all we are grateful.

The Thanksgiving day scene included: a turkey fryer extravaganza, little ones jumping on trampolines, barefoot weather, plates pile high with yummy goodness (including some great vegetarian lasagna ), lounging and belt loosening. And of course pie...pumpkin pie.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Staving off Boredom

Halfway through the morning Rowan uttered "this is the boringest day ever." Hearing my little one say that there's nothing to do makes me pause to think. The easiest solution might be to put on a movie, but I really don't want the kids glued to the one-eyed babysitter (as my brother so fondly refers to TV). The ease with which one can solve the boredom dilemma with a flick of the switch is part of the reason we don't have cable. Instead of calling in the DVD player to entertain, I brought out a box, crayons and scissors and we got to work making a house for the Playmobile people. We piled the table with some other props for play- pine cone "trees," little bits of amethyst crystal "treasure", rocks and blocks to set the scene- and all of a sudden there was lots to do. Sometimes, despite all of the many toys we have collected the kids "have nothing to do!" But a solution can usually be created using things around the house and maybe a little extra mess.

If all else fails, put them to work!

Luckily the work is often as helpful to me as it is fun for them.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Three cheers for the new store

Our little neighborhood does not offer a huge assortment of amenities. The pared down basics within a mile or so of our home are as follows: a post office, a community center, some seasonal farm stands, an elementary school, and a church. Today, however, the list expanded to include the most fabulous little market a girl could dream of. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a tiny bit, but it is exciting to me. When I moved here, there was only an extremely run down store with dusty, mostly empty shelves. In fact, it took months for me to even walk into the store because from the outside I couldn't tell if it indeed was a store. Well that old store eventually closed and energetic renovators purchased it. After being worked on for nearly a year, the new store stands in stark contrast to the old one. It is bright and beautiful and full of a lot of natural and organic products I like to buy. It also has random convenience items such as scotch tape and birthday candles. Today was their opening day and I can't wait to go back.

The other elements of the day included volunteering at the church holiday sale (at which Ava did most of her gift shopping) , basketball practice for Ava and a mini pie bee with Lea. We cooked down our sugar pumpkins, rolled out crusts and assembled pies. I also baked some pumpkin bread which on the first round came out burned and stuck to the pan. Fortunately the second round came out the usual way, which is quite yummy I think . I 'm not sure if my mistake was cramming too many things in the oven at once and not paying attention to timing, but boy it was disappointing to have a known recipe go wrong. In spite of the occasional baking mishap, I still love to cook. Of course having my sister over made it all the more fun.
Lilla says hi!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Breakfast Time

My kids- especially Rowan- have gotten really into saying a blessing before our dinner. This little ceremony includes lighting candles and saying something like "Blessings on the blossoms. Blessings on the roots. Blessings on the leaves and stems. Blessings on the fruits." Other meals of the day do not seem to require this. I guess breakfast and lunch are usually more rushed or only one person is eating at any given time.

But today is a slow school at all and no plans until noon. So I made a breakfast that my kids refer to as "noris." No, it's not sushi, but Norwegian pancakes like the ones my Dad often makes. Of course they are not as luscious as Dad's version, I substitute whole wheat pastry flour for the white. Somehow, though, they pass as far as my kids are concerned. Rowan caught wind of this rare, relaxed breakfast and asked the candles to be lit so we could say a blessing. I love it.
Also if you look out the window in this picture, you might notice a dusting of snow. Yes, we had our first little snowfall and it's not yet Thanksgiving. Ava went out to play and Rowan went out to "shovel," but really it was too cold so they are back inside to play horse. A stall is being built and I hear some neighing in the corner. My sewing machine is calling for a harness to be made. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A whole lot of answers

As per Mrs. Bowen's request, I have answers...
Tomorrow I promise to stop talking about myself and instead will share some pictures of my honeys.

1. Name: Sabrina
2. Birthday: December 18
3. Birthplace: MA
4. Eye Color: Blue or green or gray
5. Hair Color: brown+ red+ blond
6. Height: 1/4" shy of 5'10"
7. Ethnicity: Caucasian
8. Weakness: sweets, bargains
9. Most missed memory: The early moments/days after my children were born were so indescribably sweet. With each perfect little being that we have welcomed to our family, I have been overwhelmed with love and awe. Also, feeling grateful for the friends and family that come to fawn over the wee one and bring gifts of food, flowers and their company.
10. Thoughts first waking up: can I stay in my cozy bed for just a few more minutes?
11. Last time you cried: Oh, yesterday. We had an emotion-filled day
12. Song title that currently says how you feel:Keep on the Sunny Side (O Brother Disc)
13. What is the perfect day for you: A good day would start with a productive morning at home. After a little organizing/cleaning, the whole family embark on some outdoor adventure. The weather would have to cooperate- let's say sunny and in the 70s. We would hike a few miles and kids would not complain once. Exercise is essential to my happiness. Maybe after we would dip our toes in the creek, lake, or ocean (my perfect day does not discriminate). Next stop, a trip to a local winery for a wine tasting (grape juice for the kids) and a bottle to bring home. If it's still early, dinner could be comprised of farm stand gathered produce or if it's late a Thai food dinner would be yummy (as Ava said when she was two- "Thai food good.") Upon returning home we could relax and watch a Miyazaki film together. I especially love Kiki's Delivery Service.
14. Ever been asked for an autograph? no
15. How do you vent anger? Talking and probably some yelling
16. Who do you talk to most on the phone?  I usually have the lengthiest phone conversations with my mom.
17. As a kid, were you a lego builder? sometimes..I loved to make intricate little houses
18. Do you chew on your straws? I don't usually have straws with my drinks
19. Do you sing in the shower? very rarely
20. Who's the last person you stayed up late talking to on the phone to?
21. The last place you went to in a plane? Oh my, it was so long ago. I think it was to Miami in the spring of 2001. I must admit that I don't love to fly.
22. Do you cry at weddings? Yes. It is so beautiful to see a couple with such pure intention, hope and love for each other.
23. Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes...I guess it's funny that I still am spooked when taking the trash out in the dark or puttering around the house late at night. I thought I'd be over it by now.
24. What are you addicted to? I have a major weakness for Saturday morning tag sales. That fulfills my need for cheap thrills. I also require a daily dose of perfectly hot cup tea (PG tips , preferably) with a little raw sugar and some soy milk. And, silly as it is, I am starting to get a little addicted to this blog thing.
25. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? either
26. Who do you fight with the most?
27. Who can you tell anything to?
28. Who can't you get enough of? Our family...near and far.
29. Who makes you laugh the most? Rowan
30. What is the worst feeling ever? the thought of losing those you love, the inability to fix all the pain/suffering in the world, feeling judged
31. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
32. How many rings before you answer your phone? I don't count
33. How many times do you press the "snooze" button? I guess I never do anymore... the kids serve as alarm clocks
34. How do you sleep? soundly (unless you count night time nursing and diaper changes)
35. Last time you laughed: a few minutes ago (you tube - Flight of the Conchords)
36. Ever looked at someone ugly and said "EWWW"? I may have thought it, but would never say it out loud (except maybe during my mean-spirited teenage years)
37. What is your favorite color? There are way too many colors that make me happy to choose just one. I love all colors as they play off of each other in nature. Crisp blue sky, brilliant autumn leaves, murky sea, perky green plants, flower beds overflowing with color
38. What are your favorite states? NY, Massachusetts, Maine, Colorado and Oregon- maybe or maybe not in that order

Monday, November 12, 2007


Things Made:
1. Pancakes for breakfast- an improvised and flaxseed full recipe as we were out of eggs.
2. A new and easy duvet for my granny style comforter..the all too quaint flowers on that old one were beginning to bug me.
3. My bed -I have a new comforter after all.
4. Gauchos for Ava. She picked out the pink knit fabric and pattern and had planned to make them herself. However, she became worried about working with the stretchy fabric, so I made them up instead.
5. A few bibs (these are addicting to make!)
6. Vegetarian BBQ dinner (tofu with BBQ sauce, coleslaw, and corn grits). Probably an oxymoron by most people's standards. I love it though!

Things Not Made
1. Ava's and Rowan's beds. I usually do, but it did not happen today.
2. A proper lunch. Instead the kids ate heaps of popcorn (butter on Ava's popcorn, olive oil and nutritional yeast for Rowan's) and bananas.
3. A zillion different things I want to make for Christmas- gifts, decorations, etc.
4. Time...I never seem to have enough of it.

Little Festival

Last night the kids and I had a small celebration for Martinmas. This is something I've wanted to do for years, ever since I got the book "All Year Round." The book has a very Waldorf approach to activities with children and projects to make throughout the year. November 11 calls for honoring St. Martin with a lantern walk. St. Martin was born in 316 AD and is the patron saint of beggars and outcasts. He is remembered for bringing light to those in darkness.

After reading a few short stories about Martin's life, we decorated our glass lanterns (not enough time for the more elaborate paper ones) and went outside at night while carrying our glowing lights. We sang a simple song- "Down with darkness, up with light. Up with sunshine, down with night. Each of us is one small light, but together we shine bright. Go away darkest, darkest night. Make way for light." Unfortunately I'm unsure who wrote this song...

The night was clear, crisp and star filled. After returning indoors, we shared a meal of coconut lentil soup and baked potatoes. To represent Martin's deed with his cloak, which he split in two to share with a pauper, we each divided our potatoes and passed half to the person beside us.

I really appreciate the symbolism behind bringing light into this dark and cold time of year and look forward to continuing this tradition. Rowan, however, thinks we should do this every night!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Random Bits

Lilla is an amazing producer of regurgitated milk but somehow she has become quite a plump little babe. So to handle said situation I am making bibs...lots of bibs. The bib frenzy was inspired by a sweet gift set given to us my lovely sister Kristina (yes, that set gets LOTS of use). Here is my first round:

Lilla has recently acquired the ability to suck her thumb. She is the only one of my children to do so. This makes me happy...though perhaps I should be afraid that she'll become too attached and will wind up going off to school with a thumb in her mouth. But for now it soothes her, which certainly soothes me!

On a yummy note, I had my first try at making baklava last night. I've worked with phyllo dough before, but I've never made the sweet stuff. I found the recipe on line and I must say it is delicious.

Speaking of yummy, I have two skeins of this great blue mohair yarn, thrifted maybe a year ago. The color makes me smile.

As is the case with any material or yarn that I adore, I have a hard time breaking into it. I guess I can never think up a project to match its loveliness, so it therefore goes unused. But I've got to use it! I think it will become a scarf for me. Since I live in a drafty house, scarves seem to be a part of my indoor wardrobe. Yes, scarves are great and easy to make too.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Clean Sweep

I cook, clean, manage endless piles laundry, and organize toys. I sift through the various papers that come into my home via the mail and kids' backpacks and like a detective uncover the pertinent details of these reams. At times I embrace and flow with this constant tide of chores. At other moments I feel that I am drowning in to do lists and am annoyed at all the objects we have acquired. But I have to remember that our house is a place of activity and we all like to do projects...diverse and messy projects. The bigger problem with projects is sometimes they like to sit around unfinished.

Here is a simple quilt I started about a year ago. I still need to quilt it and bind the edges. When done it will be a crib size blanket for Lilla. Perhaps posting it here will hold me accountable for completing it.Another project in the works is a pink knit cardigan for Lilla. I got the free pattern online at Magknits. I tweaked it a bit to work with my yarn and hopefully it will be finished in time to fit.
Unlike most household chores, sewing or knitting actually produces a finished product that does not require revisiting. These little projects seem to fulfill my need to have something

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Costumes, candy and cameras...Oh my!

Okay, I've been meaning to put up my Halloween pictures, but I've been dragging my feet. Although I took plenty of individual photos of the kids in costume, I did not end up with many great ones of all three kids together. I blame the poor lighting and my iffy camera (which is certainly functional but terribly SLOW). I even thought about getting my kids to dress up the following day so I could try for a group shot during the daytime, but no luck. Dressing up requires inspiration and Rowan in particular was not excited to stand around and pose at that very moment. Ava would have been happy to oblige her mama, but I needed everyone together. Silly, I know. Oh are my promised photos.

My littlest pumpkin Lilla...

Rowan striking a kingly pose without prompting...

Ava as horse jockey at the school Halloween parade...

A stop at Auntie Lea and Uncle Kevin's house (the scary gorilla is Kevin)

The kids had a blast trick or treating. First stop was a swing through our own little neighborhood of Brooktondale. Then we headed over to visit Rowan's wonderful teacher Mrs. Baldwin. Rowan wanted very much to go there to show off his costume and he had also heard word that she was offering toys instead of candy treats to the children. Next we stopped at Lea and Kevin's (they give out FULL size candy bars...Kevin's trying to get the word out to increase traffic). And to pad our loot bags we finished the night with a walk through a sweet little neighborhood next to L&K's house. The candy flow was way generous- Ava happily accepted the offer from many houses to "take more candy!" By the end of the night Ava had close to 200 pieces, but we won't tell the dentist about all of that. Hope you all had a great Halloween!