Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Soup's on

Rowan and I made some soup the other day. Stone soup to be exact. Remember that story? "How are we going to make soup with just stones?" Rowan asked. Well, lucky for us we just happen to have collections of rocks stemming from Cape Cod beaches to our local creeks so it was easy to rummage around the house to find the perfect ones for our soup. After carefully cleaning them, we plopped three fist sized, smooth stones into a big pot half filled with water. "I want to see the stones turn into soup!" Rowan exclaimed excitedly. I set the pot on the burner and turned it on.

"Hmmm, stone soup is good, but I bet it would taste even better with a bit of onion" I said as I set to work chopping. "And some carrot too!" Rowan added. We decided some potato, celery and garlic would also be good additions. We worked together to cut the veggies up, added them to the pot and let it simmer. In the fridge, I spied some left over tomato sauce I had made the night before and some cooked red lentils- into the pot they went. We seasoned with salt, basil, thyme and a bit of Rapunzel bouillon for good measure. We let it all meld and ta da: Stone Soup. Oh, we also had to toss a few cooked noodles into each bowl before ladling the hot soup over top and a swirl of extra virgin olive oil for richness. Then we slurped all that soup down- excluding the stones of course.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Let them eat cake

It's Ava's half birthday....
So half of a cake was in order.

And it's a snowy day here with temperatures hovering just around freezing. Seems there won't be many more days to capture snow piling up like this, although I could be very wrong about that.

Monday, February 25, 2008

On the Mend

This same scenario has happen to me two or three times this winter: I'll be thinking to myself (a bit too smugly) about how I hardly ever get sick. A day or so later, the universe gives me a little tap on the shoulder, ahem, and sends me off to bed with an annoying virus. This little scenario played itself out again for me this weekend. And in case you weren't sure, it's no fun to be a sick Mama...especially when  three kids are calling for your attention.

After lots of ginger tea, rest (with one eye open), and WAY too many movies for my Rowan, I'm feeling mostly better. I'm also left with a huge reminder to appreciate health. It feels good to be vertical. Now, I'm off to relax during my babe's nap time and indulge in some mindless knitting (see rough idea here) while listening to a book on CD (The Bonesetter's Daughter)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Foggy, blobby, not so bloggy

In a silly way, this is how I've felt all week. School is still on break and we've spent most of the time schedule-less, hence the fogginess of my brain. But I really do love the fact that we've had very little to do and few places to go. We had just enough activities to keep us from developing a case of cabin fever, including:
1. A sweet but too short visit from Laura and her kids over last weekend. We played and ate and got a tour of the not so charming ice rink while Ava had her lessons. Rowan and Olivia were a fun pair to watch as they "negotiated" things.
2. A day swimming at an indoor pool. This is a very novel activity for my kids during wintertime (or any time for that matter) and they were ecstatic. Rowan was adorable with the swim ring around him as he kicked like mad all about the shallow end.
3.  Lilla and I went to see Taj Mahal in concert at our local theater. Really fabulous concert- would have loved it to be longer. Lilla was lulled to sleep in the sling by the end.
4. A few play dates in the mix.
5. An adventure in making "no knead" bread. Three of us ate the sourdough-like loaf in one sitting. Hmmm, I think we liked it. A lot.

Well, since we're talking bread, now I have to mention blobbiness (yes I know that's not a real word). My body does in fact feel like an inflated hunk of dough and unfortunately that pregnancy excuse just doesn't seem too valid now that my babe is already over eight months old. Okay, I've said it: I need to begin an anti-blob mission.

And about blogging...I'm thinking about sticking to a more formal blogging system. Although the idea of "formal blogging system" seems like an oxymoron. I guess by system I mean that I want to be less sporadic in my posts. When I allow too much time to lapse between entries, I have a hard time posting anything at all. So as not to disappoint the two or three of you dear readers, I'm going to try to post regularly.

That's all now...happy rest of the weekend.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Uh, oh. It's just the beginning...

...of a week long school vacation and the kids are already quarreling. Rowan runs in the kitchen to tell me Ava pushed him. I call Ava in and she says she pushed him because he wouldn't stop bothering her. The all too typical she said/he said business is beginning its circular argument. So this time I tried to stay out of it and told the kids to talk to each other. They talked and I think it worked- ending with Rowan saying sorry as he dashed out of the room. Whew.

Baking proved to be another good little diversion. Ava got to work making popovers...a simple recipe that she pretty much completed from start to finish. We opened the oven several times while they were baking (couldn't help but peek), so the popovers did a little topple over. They were absolutely yummy anyway and Ava was very proud to share her creation with the family. The recipe came from Mollie Katzen's kid cookbook called "Pretend Soup" and it's great for getting kids in the kitchen.
Here's the Popover recipe:

1-2 tbsp melted butter
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt
extra butter, jam and maple syrup for the popovers

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
2. Brush inside of 12 muffin cups with melted butter.
3. Break eggs into mixing bowl and add milk. Beat well.
4. Add flour and salt and whisk until well blended (doesn't have to be perfect though)
5. Pour about a 1/4 cup batter into each tin, so they are half to two-thirds full. To help with this step, we put the mixture into a 2 cup measuring cup so that Ava could easily pour it into the muffin tins.
6. Bake 30 minutes without opening the oven.
7. Remove popovers from the pan, and prick with a fork so steam can escape. CAUTION: steam is HOT.
8. Serve up with butter, jam and/or syrup. Dee-lish!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Take another piece of my heart

Thinking of our bedtime "routine" the other day reminded me of the ongoing debate between Rowan and me. Before Rowan falls asleep each night we often go into a discussion about who loves the other more. It begins with me saying I love him, then he counters with "But I love you even more than that." And then I say that I love him to the moon and back. Then he says he loves me to the moon and back and forth. And we go on and on like this for some time (perhaps this is explains why we have a hard time settling down for the night?)

When Ava was 3 or 4 she said something like "I wish I could jump into your heart and be a part of your blood." I found this little quote in a journal I kept long ago. I think it was her way of saying she loved me.

With each child we have added to our family, my heart has expanded more than I thought possible.

I like this quote from Elizabeth Stone:

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body."

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Love in the mail

Grandma sent a few treats in the mail for us to enjoy. Here's Lilla modeling the little dress Grandma bought in Mexico.
Ava has some new jewelry (with hearts!) and there is a fun octopus magnet that makes Rowan laugh because of its jiggly, wiggly legs. And candy, candy, candy all around. Thank Grandma!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Beddy, bed, bed

Our bedtime routine seemed to be running so smoothly last night. I say "routine" with a grain of salt because we tend to sway more to chaos than order. But last night I was feeling so on top of things as my kids were pretty much ready for bed at 7:30pm. I know for most people that hour might be a pretty normal time, but for me it was a triumph. I was looking forward to a few hours of Mama time to unwind, sip tea, and maybe sneek a glimpse of some blogs (as if I need to spend anymore time with those!) or do a bit of sewing. Well, the triumph lasted all of 20 minutes when Rowan complained he was hungry. That's what happens around here when dinner is at 5:30. So downstairs we went for cereal and toast with PB &J.

Usually at bedtime my kids like to snuggle. This means I lie down, get under the covers and try to avoid falling asleep while easing them into dreamland. But I was feeling irritated that my hoped for alone time was being carved away bit by bit, so I told Rowan there was no time to snuggle and that he must go to bed on his own (he is 5 after all). And then he dissolved into tears. I relented, lay down, drew him into my arms and he fell asleep quickly and sweetly with Lilla next to him. Then I snuck out of the room and had some Mama time to think and read and play.
I know I must sound like such a wimpy, pushover kind of mom. But really, will this kid want to snuggle in ten years...or five for that matter? I need to remind myself to etch these moments in my heart because they will not last forever. And now I need to drink some more tea because I tired from staying up too late.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday best

Off to church today, all of us girls wore dresses or skirts.

Rowan, of course, wore camouflage cargo pants.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Gifty girl

Look what Ava sewed for her brother... just because. There's even a fabric tag attached to the corner of the pillow.

Isn't she sweet?

Friday, February 8, 2008

CAUTION...whining ahead

With a little sunshine reflecting off a bit of snow, the house is looking all bright and cheerful inside. But I'm feeling blah, because with all this lovely light in the house I have the opportunity to see the dirt, grime and fingerprints more clearly...Ugh, it's cleaning day here and I hardy know where to begin (whine, whine). I'm also feeling like a grouchy mama because I'm tired and on the verge of getting sick (stuffy nose, scratchy throat....etc). A couple of my kids (I won't name which ones) seem to be a little cranky, a little ill, or a little of both. The mood here has much room for improvement.

But it is still birthday week and I can't just spend this entire post whining (especially when in the big picture life is good). So without further ado, I want to wish my beautiful sister Kristina (or Booie as she is fondly called ) a very happy birthday!! Hope she's having a great day.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Girl in a green room

Oh, I'm going a little crazy with the green paint around here. This isn't Ava's green room, this is the dining room. After living in this house three plus years, I've decided enough is enough with the white walls. I love color! I'm not sure I love this color, but it's fun to experiment and it really didn't take too long (ah, that imperfectionist in me). I painted half the room about five different colors, mixing paint as I went along, until I came to this one. The photo makes the color look brighter than it is in reality.In addition to paint, I've been playing with my camera as well. Of course my camera is not a fancy schmancy digital SLR (some day, some day) but it does have a bunch of setting options that I'm still figuring out. I really prefer the way pictures look without a flash, though it's challenging to get enough light indoors, especially at night.
And since it is birthday week around here, I wanted to wish my beautiful, kind niece Emma a very Happy Birthday!! Emma is such a great cousin and friend to Ava....I get wistful thinking about the past when we lived closer and the girls could play together often. We miss those times and all of our peeps!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Of Forsythia and Olivia

A few people asked about the forsythia I had in yesterday's post. The blooms are from a forsythia bush in the yard that has always produced in abundance. All I do is snip the branches on a slant, bring them inside, keep them well watered, and wait patiently as it will take the blooms several weeks to appear. They seem to fare better and last longer in cooler spaces, which is not a hard feat in this drafty farmhouse. I also like to cut them in a steady succession so I have a continual supply of blooms (which reminds me I should go get some more). There's nothing like fresh flowers to ease the longing for spring. Some other flowering trees and shrubs also work for forcing- like cherry, apple or blackthorn.
This year I got my first batch of branches much earlier than usual. These were actually cut back in early December. I was inspired to follow the old custom of cutting branches on St. Babara's day, which is December 4th. Legend has it that branches cut on this day will bloom for Christmas. I think I ended up cutting mine a few days after December 4th and the blossoms began opening in early January- in time for our arrival home from our trip. Amazingly these same branches are still blooming and now leaves are beginning to unfurl as well. I'm also trying to force crocus and grape hyacinth bulbs, but it will be a while before I know if they are successful or not.

In other news, the lovely Miss Olivia turns three today! She's so cute and smart- wish we could be there today to shower her with birthday hugs and kisses. I guess birthday wishes will have to suffice- Happy Birthday Olivia!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Another item to check off the list

The kids diligently working on thank you notes for their Christmas gifts...

I love the serious/sweet expressions they make as they get down to business. Rowan has taken a greater interest in writing this year. His interest in numbers, letters and words is unfolding so naturally. And it's nice that Ava is so willing to help him. Actually any moment of cooperation between those two is nice. Though I do really love the idea of a sending out hand written thank you notes, we always seem to be weeks behind in getting them done.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Doors On!

I picked up this antique (read beat up) cupboard a while ago at the auction. It was a miserable drizzly day as they auctioned off the contents of an ancient looking general store. I had my eye on the massive piece of furniture with it's hand carved details and plentiful storage and excitedly won it with a bid of seventy bucks. The happiness of the acquisition didn't last long before dread crept into my belly as now I had to figure out a way to bring it home. Hmmm, I should have thought that through more carefully. Luckily, there's friend with a truck. Everybody needs a friend with a truck. I'm hoping said friend does not hate me now.

After the ordeal of moving it here, it sat in the barn. And sat and sat and sat. Bringing the cupboard into the house meant lots of painting and some tinkering of the hardware. I almost sold it at our last yard sale, but each person that considered it was too afraid of their spouse's reaction if they actually brought it home. I suppose that same sentiment should have kept me from buying it, but my sweet husband has become accustomed to all the various things I drag into our house. Yes, I am a magpie but I'm trying to pare down.

So it stayed in the barn until I finally painted it and we heaved it into the house. Quickly the shelves were loaded with the kids' numerous art/craft supplies and games, but the doors stayed off for months because the hardware wasn't ready. A few days ago, however, the doors were attached and now the junk and disarray are safely hidden. Check out what's lurking behind those doors (unless you are my mother or others with organizational skills!):

Sunday, February 3, 2008

It's Sleepytime Time

Seems like Lilla and cousin Sophia have been talking...and have agreed to adhere to the same sleepless program. For two nights in a row now, my sweet dear baby awoke every hour. Yes. Every Hour. Like clockwork, she was up at midnight, 1AM, then 2AM, 3AM, 4AM, ect. until awaking fully and cheerfully at 7:30, while I groggily implored Ava to make me tea before we went to church. I'm really hoping that Lilla decides to sleep a bit more soundly tonight, so I can feel a bit more normal tomorrow (whatever that is). Tonight, I think a dose of chamomile tea is in order for both Lilla and me.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!!

Today, when I called my Dad to wish him a Happy Birthday he asked why I haven't put up anything new since "Cozy Toes." I guess I've had a lot going on in my mind but struggling to translate any of it into words. I'm in a blog rut...wishing I could make this little journal funnier or smarter or cuter. I've been hesitating and thinking and feeling very un-hip as I compare my blog to all the much cooler ones out there. Sigh.

Okay, enough of that because I have something far more important to say today: Happy Birthday to my wonderful Dad! He has always tried so hard to make sure I didn't get lost being one of the middle children in our family and for that I am grateful. And he so very kindly put up with me throughout my most unpleasant teenage years. He is wise, witty and warm and loved by many.

This Mark Twain quote reminds me of him (I think he liked to quote this in the throes of my teenage years):

“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished by how much he'd learned in seven years.”

And this is a great picture of my Dad with my sister Lea...taken last weekend at Lea and Kevin's engagement party...which I still haven't written about...