Sunday, December 13, 2009


In the midst of all the excitement during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend- family in town and excessive consumption of food- I only took a few pictures. Of a board game. No photos documenting the abundant and gorgeous feast, no pictures of family members in town (some of the Staffs came out for the first time in a few years!) But in a way board games make me think about holidays, of time set away to while away the hours in these mostly relaxing pursuits. When I was a girl, I used to love this game though the "sorry' line could get a bit old. I don't think I had played it since I was a kid and Mrs. D would come over to babysit all of us. It was fun to revisit it again.

Well, I'll be looking forward to maybe a bit more lounging and game playing soon as we plan to gather again with extended family at Christmas. In the meantime I should keep myself going full-force as there's still lots of holiday preparing to do. I'm trying to take lots of deep breaths.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dusting off the needles

For months all had been quiet in the sewing corner. The fabric and thread sat lined up waiting...the sewing machine was looking a little forlorn, gathering dust. And my will to craft: not especially abundant. Even the cooler weather could not urge me to grab the woolly yarn and knitting needles. A complete craft drought (well, aside from that Halloween costume I threw together for Rowan...the costume whose many components were misplaced or temporarily lost before I ever took any photos).

So, you can imagine how excited I was when a local mama put out the invitation for folks to come on over to her place and join in on some fun studio/crafty time (and treats too!) But Mother Nature had other plans for me: a snowy afternoon that left my snow tire-less car completely unprepared for icy, hilly roads. Once we have snow on the ground, I do not like to drive anywhere with just summer tires. So I stayed home...a little bummed out but a lot inspired to make things.

And I actually started some projects that night and even finished two over the next couple days. One was a hooded cape for Rowan's medieval festival. This was made from an old wool blanket that I dyed gray. The best part about it was how much it excited him. The medieval festival was a wonderful culmination to a class Rowan had taken throughout fall.And a mystery knitted item that will be a gift so I can't say anymore...just in case. Have a happy Friday!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Seven on the seventh

Rowan my delightful one is 7. It really is a magical age. He wished for new lego sets and was completely surprised and ecstatic as he unwrapped those sought after packages. When he opened one to see a pirate set inside, he exclaimed "how did Grandma know exactly what I wanted!" and when finding his sisters had gifted him with Star Wars legos he shouted "Thank you! I LOVE you!" and dove toward them with a big hug. So sweet.

My dear boy may have a slight (or not so slight) interest in swords/pocketknives/guns/catapults/etc and dramatic, dangerous tales, but through it all his kind heart and sensitive soul shine though. Oh how we love him! Happy Birthday Rowan!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Over the last year this blog has been quiet....very quiet. As I sit here uploading a year's worth of pictures onto Shutterfly (sad that I do this so infrequently), I notice how much went unrecorded here. Not that my aim for the blog is to keep track of every minuscule detail, but I initially was drawn to this format because I liked the idea of preserving the fleeting moments amidst all the busy day to day tasks. I wanted to frame these things that matter. The things that draw me in and make me smile. As a mother days can often add up to mountains of laundry, dishes, errands and schedules, but recording and reminding myself of the all good things makes everything better.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I think I was kidding myself when I said we were "just a little overwhelmed" by our house projects. Actually, I'd say we're closer to a lot overwhelmed since every room will need to be addressed in some way sooner or later.  But I'm really trying to settle into the fact that it's not all going to be done tomorrow, next month or even next year. We will definitely be living amongst chaos for a time as we check off things bit by bit.

But while we were waiting for the closing we did go ahead and tackle a few of the projects we were anxious to finish before cold set in. A new little patio from large slate stones salvaged from around the house. Some of those stones were dangerously heavy. Yikes, I don't see us doing this again soon. (don't ask me why we felt inspired to finish just before winter...) Taking down- a bit regretfully- a beautiful old white pine that was right in the front of the house. The tree's shape and proximity to the house had us concerned. We feared one of those large forked branches would eventually smash down through the roof. After examining the tree once it was cut and seeing a fairly large section of rot, I felt at ease with our decision to take it down before a storm did. The next day a portable sawmill came and milled much of the wood into usable lengths. Now the wood is curing in the barn waiting for future projects.Replacing the fifty+ year old furnace with an efficient one and taking the winter off from wood heat has left us almost giddy. Warmth with the flip of a switch? What a novel and luxurious idea!

And leaves...well this is not a project we'll ever really complete...but this is the first year that we've really had to deal with the brunt of leaf collecting. Wow- there are a lot of leaves. And more to come each year.
And lastly here's a glamor shot of me utilizing our high tech leaf removal system. My dad once complained that I don't post any pictures of me on the blog...well this might explain it! This is probably the best of any recent photos I have of myself...oh well.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Where the wild things are

Right now, this little wild thing is softly snoozing in bed. But very soon, she'll be roaring and ready to greet the day. At two, she is full of ideas concerning all aspects of her day. From picking her daily attire to choosing her next meal, she wants in on decision making. And Halloween was no exception: she had her mind made up about what costume she'd wear.
A "hobo monster" was her choice. Never mind that I had my own ideas: I envisioned us being a cuddly kitty cat pair as mama cat and baby cat. But this adorable costume got handed down to us from a friend. Though a teeny bit small and wearing thin at the at the seams, Lilla fell in love with this suit. And who wouldn't with all those fun details?

The only unfortunate result of our trick-or-treating foray was that this little miss has fine tuned her taste for a sweet treat. Umm, I don't think it is a good idea to give into toddler pleas for candy at 9Am. Oh wise Lynn could you please tell that Sugar Sprite to have a swing by our place?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Apples and more

Living in apple country, we're usually over-loaded with apples at this time of year. But a visit to the apple farm proved this season to be a little different. I'm not sure why....maybe the late spring frosts and the cooler, damp summer took their toll. This year apple picking was more like treasure hunting. From afar the trees looked perfect, but upon closer inspection we saw a lot of bad apples: spotted, small, misshapen, not terribly tasty...a little disappointing I must admit. But with some careful hunting, there were apples to find and carefully tuck into our bags to savor later. And with less, I think we end up appreciating them all the more.
And there were other treasures to discover at the farm. Freshly cooked apple cider donuts that disappeared without photo evidence, hidden huts in the surrounding woods and a circular lilac hedge. A perfect little hideaway with the sinking sun lighting it up. Now if only I can remember to come here when the lilacs are in bloom...what a heavenly scented place that will be.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bits of fall

The evidence is all around: in the changing colors, the slanting, warm afternoon light, the nodding sunflowers and the last of summertime veggies. And if that weren't enough, the calendar assures us that autumn has arrived. Though bidding summer farewell often seems a bittersweet event, I can't help but be astounded by fall's abundance. It's happens to me every year. The scarlet leaves, the burnished fields, the graceful silhouette of a tree all take me by surprise.

As the landscape unfolds into its varied hues I feel all the more grateful for each lovely day we are gifted, knowing that soon we will be called back indoors to sip tea and cozy up to the fire. I want to gather up all the beauty, soak in the sun's rays and store it all to carry me through once the days grow short and crisp.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A little treat

Sometimes I have a little helper that sits on my lap as I attempt to go on the internet. It's a tricky operation. She has opinions. She wants to listen to music....she wants to see certain pictures. She has plenty of advice for me: "Go backwards to THAT picture!" or "Different song, please." And this cracks me up: "I like that one!"

As I posted pictures from Ava's birthday party and she saw the cake, she decided she wanted cake. "Mama, make some cake!" Well, I wasn't planning on cake, but I did have lots of zucchini. So zucchini bread it was. And though she was not entirely convinced she wanted to try it, one powdered sugar sprinkled bite convinced her otherwise. A decadent treat for sure.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Better late than never

Well, here it is: a very belated post complete with blurry pictures and birthday wishes for my girl. Her birthday was at the end of August, but I seem to be on my own time line with this old blog. My voracious reader, fan of horses (and a clothes horse herself), fun and sweet girl is twelve. I can't believe it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hello again

Well I guess we've seen the last of our sandy, summer days this year. Though I'm not the least bit ready for it, September is here. Midday stills beams warm and golden, but the air has turned decidedly cooler at night. The change in the light and temperature is urging me forward to gather and organize. Time to bring in the last of summer's berries. Time to sharpen our pencils and line up our fall activities. From the brimming list of amazing things to do, how to pick and choose? This year has me just a bit more anxious than the past as this year is our first to officially report Rowan as a homeschooler. As things are shaping up I have a feeling that it will be a good and very busy year ahead. But as I ponder and plan how we'll be spending our days, I'm trying to ensure there will be plenty of time to just be. To be in nature's playground: learning, exploring and holding on to wonder.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A little trip and back

Oh there I go again letting my blog slip for weeks without an update. Well, for all three of you waiting on the edge of your seats, I've have some pictures from our little adventure up to Lake Ontario. What a treat to be back here once again. I am very thankful that my brother in law's family are such gracious hosts. And it's almost like going to the ocean but just two hours away instead of the usual seven. Even the intense wind could not keep us from enjoying the full playground of sand and water before us, the company of friends and family and the gorgeous sunset finales.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

From the earth

Considering my CSA hands me this abundance and more every week, I have been asking myself whether my garden is worth all the effort. There's no way I can top the bounty of this local farmer.

But then I think back to my own childhood. We did not usually have a tilled garden space, but the yard had many fruit trees, bushes and perennials. I remember so vividly foraging in the yard for blueberries, plums, rhubarb, pears and more. With delight my siblings and I would find these edible gems and gobble them up.

Though eventually I would love to garden so productively that I could feed my family all summer long and into the year with my own labor, I'm not there yet. For now I think of it as a children's garden, a nibbler's place. A place to pluck a simple bouquet. A space to find treasures among the weeds- a strawberry here, a sugar snap there. I love to watch the joy and satisfaction of my boy as he pulls carrots from the patch. I hope to plant seeds of love for the earth that my children can carry with them always.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A week (or two) in pictures

Savoring a few strawberries from the garden and loading up on buckets full at our favorite u-pick farm. Rowan's last day of gymnastics:
Almost daily wagon rides to and from the market:
Puddle stomping and rain dancing:
Making sour cherry syrup. Last year's frozen bounty was cleared out to make way for all the new delights about to fill my freezer. And with the addition of seltzer, this syrup makes a fabulous cherry soda. Or a slushy- we love our Hawaiian Ice maker.
Out riding with friends:Last day of school celebration for Ava- complete with cake and a slumber party. Look who's holding court with the big girls...
Hurray for summer!