Saturday, July 25, 2009

A little trip and back

Oh there I go again letting my blog slip for weeks without an update. Well, for all three of you waiting on the edge of your seats, I've have some pictures from our little adventure up to Lake Ontario. What a treat to be back here once again. I am very thankful that my brother in law's family are such gracious hosts. And it's almost like going to the ocean but just two hours away instead of the usual seven. Even the intense wind could not keep us from enjoying the full playground of sand and water before us, the company of friends and family and the gorgeous sunset finales.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

From the earth

Considering my CSA hands me this abundance and more every week, I have been asking myself whether my garden is worth all the effort. There's no way I can top the bounty of this local farmer.

But then I think back to my own childhood. We did not usually have a tilled garden space, but the yard had many fruit trees, bushes and perennials. I remember so vividly foraging in the yard for blueberries, plums, rhubarb, pears and more. With delight my siblings and I would find these edible gems and gobble them up.

Though eventually I would love to garden so productively that I could feed my family all summer long and into the year with my own labor, I'm not there yet. For now I think of it as a children's garden, a nibbler's place. A place to pluck a simple bouquet. A space to find treasures among the weeds- a strawberry here, a sugar snap there. I love to watch the joy and satisfaction of my boy as he pulls carrots from the patch. I hope to plant seeds of love for the earth that my children can carry with them always.