Monday, March 22, 2010

Signs of spring

OK, I've had enough with the snow day pictures. Spring is officially here and for the moment the snow is gone! But since we've been known to have March/April snowstorms, I won't get my hopes up too much. For now I'm taking in the latest star to the landscape scene- snowdrop blossoms.
And maple sap! Though a very small scale operation with just a few taps hooked up, the kids are nonetheless delighted to fill and down a cup of the slightly sweet 'tree water.' And our little tree tap came in handy on the day our hot water heater was replaced and we were without water.We had a beautiful weekend full of outdoor play: swings, sandbox digging, biking and romps up the muddy, mossy hill. Now the rain's coming down and it's misty and cool. Refreshing!