Friday, January 30, 2009

Fun with color

We plucked out all the broken crayons bits out of the BIG crayon basket, methodically peeled off papers and got to work making a fresh batch of crayons. Not an original idea but something I'd never tried out before. I must say there was something very satisfying about cleaning out that basket. Some of those crayon bits have probably been kicking around since Ava's early artistic meanderings (I think those old ones were especially tedious to peel- stuck on as they were). All we did was lightly oil an old muffin tin, put our peeled broken bits till about 3/4 full, popped the tin into a 200ºF oven for 10 or so minutes. Let cool until set and tapped them out.

With our abundance of white outdoors, these little punches of color make me very happy.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ski with me

Yesterday was a snow day. Canceled plans, school called off and the flakes piled up some more. I don't think we've seen bare ground since November. But, no matter, I was not unhappy to delve in a bit- just tiny bit- into those cozy winter activities where pajamas are the required attire. And yesterday's snowy gift combined with mild weather (whoa, heating up beyond 30ºF!) sent us out today to take in the scene by foot and by ski. The pace of cross country skiing is just right for me, I'm not one for speedy downhill adventures. And now, I believe I have a very willing ski companion.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Home again

Oh, I've been a bad, bad blogger. Hardly posting at all for weeks (months?) and then dashing off last time with one big run on sentence, no pictures and a serious shortage of details. Well we're back again from another trip. We've been traveling a bunch lately, or it could be that the intervals of time between trips just seem nonexistent.

In contrast here we are back home to the icy cold.  Bundled up and gliding along on a friend's pond.  As the days grow longer, the light is beginning its return and with it the promise of an (eventual!) Spring. For that we are grateful.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I've been

enveloped in a new novel gifted to me at Christmas
listening to my littlest one spout out a bunch of new words
working a bit
relinquishing Christmas decorations
trying to keep this drafty house warm
preparing a *very* belated birthday party with friends for Rowan
fixing up furniture
praying for my nephew...get better dear one.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sweater pants

With today's weather briskly in the single digits, I didn't stray too far from home. In fact I didn't allow myself to get too far from the wood stove. I just enviously eyed Lilla's super warm sweater pants. These were made last winter out of a Salvation Army sweater, but due to Mama's extra generous sizing they are fitting Miss L just right this year.
Okay, I know I've already mentioned before what a wool junkie I am, but the material is such fun for so many repurposing projects. We've turned old felted sweaters into mittens, slippers, hats, pants, Christmas ornaments and stockings. Thrift stores (and the closets of your friends and family) are just overflowing with beautifully colored and textured woolen sweaters. And once the sweater is felted- needs a high wool content and some vigorous washing and drying- the edges won't fray. I so prefer working with this material over the thin polyester felt you can buy in craft shops. Another cool part about working with sweaters is trying to incorporate the finished edges into your final project. For instance, I cut out the pants so that the bottom cuffs would line up with the bottom of the sweater where it was ribbed. I just used a pair of baby pants for a makeshift pattern, but I would imagine a store bought pattern would work well.

Now if I could just find a sweater big enough for a giant, I might whip up a pair for myself and then probably hide in the house looking like an oddball.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hello January

Christmas on Cape Cod, New Year's in Virginia. We've been a busy band of gypsies going from here to there, unpacking and repacking four times over. All this shuffling of belongings, people and a dog combined with the bustle of holiday crafting, shopping, wrapping and the like leave me a bit frayed. We're home now and I think I'm ready to bring this blog out of hibernation mode.
A few of the things that managed to make it out of my craft space in time for Christmas:

A new stocking for Rowan- every bit of it made from reclaimed fabrics and trims. It's a little sick how much joy I get from re-purposing old things.
Leg warmers for my littlest (hurray for that bit of mohair left over from my cowl)
When she's not wearing these on her legs, she puts them on her arms. This girl has become increasing interested in her clothing and has a fashion sense all her own. On Christmas Lilla received a new Hawaiian shirt from my sis and immediately Lilla stripped out of her dress (with help) to get that new shirt on.

A hooded cape for Row. Well, I wish I could say this was a hit, but I'm afraid it turned out a little heavy. I'm please to say the fabric was recycled from things I had around the house. Scraps of brown velvet and a few old velvet garments.  Even the clasp came from a Nordic sweater in my woolens bin. But the double thickness of velvet makes it second in line for dress up capes. And the expression on Rowan's face here might better illustrate his point that "it's embarrassing to get dressed up in front of grown-ups." This is an unfortunate recent development. A bag for Ava. She noticed one I had made for my niece and then said she wanted one for herself. I love this fun fabric from a cozy little shop down the street.
This bag has become Ava's school satchel, so she requested a coordinating pencil bag.

And our travels to the coast gave us plenty of time for admiring the winter sky and sea and for enjoying the company of family and friends.

Happy 2009!! And thanks to all who make the trip to my little corner here and for the kind words you share.