Sunday, November 13, 2011

Things I liked this fall.

The rosy glow of a fall afternoon...believe it or not I didn't change the filter here. The color was even more unreal in person.

Skeletal remains of a Chinese lantern:
Finding a few green beans after I thought they were finished. Most were munched before making it to the basket.
And Lilla as She-Ra for Halloween. Pretty simple to throw together....although finding the elusive second hand boots to coat in gold was a little tricky. All worth it for hearing Lilla comment with a dazed look in her eyes: "I can't believe I'm She-Ra." She's definitely striking a serious pose here:
Well hello there! It's been so long since posting here, I almost forgot how. And my poor neglected camera... I didn't take a single from the end of June until late September. But I thought I'd pop in to share what little bits are in my photo file. See you again soon I hope.