Sunday, November 13, 2011

Things I liked this fall.

The rosy glow of a fall afternoon...believe it or not I didn't change the filter here. The color was even more unreal in person.

Skeletal remains of a Chinese lantern:
Finding a few green beans after I thought they were finished. Most were munched before making it to the basket.
And Lilla as She-Ra for Halloween. Pretty simple to throw together....although finding the elusive second hand boots to coat in gold was a little tricky. All worth it for hearing Lilla comment with a dazed look in her eyes: "I can't believe I'm She-Ra." She's definitely striking a serious pose here:
Well hello there! It's been so long since posting here, I almost forgot how. And my poor neglected camera... I didn't take a single from the end of June until late September. But I thought I'd pop in to share what little bits are in my photo file. See you again soon I hope.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dreaming of spring

Came across these pictures just the other day. They've been sitting on my desktop for months. Probably just leftovers from a summer-time post that I never got around to writing. Seems to be the pattern these days...

After months of nothing but snow-scape, all the green in these pictures really popped out. And today with a mid-winter thaw, bits of green (mixed with heavy doses of mud) are slowly being revealed. Maybe just enough green to hold me over until we're back again to flowers and rhubarb, sundresses and bare feet.

Friday, January 7, 2011

A new year's kitchen

After many, many months, the kitchen is finally up and running.

It's fun living in and getting used to this larger space.
Still lots of details to finish, but I think its come a long way from the before pictures. Have a look:
After all the work that took place in this room, the wood floor is in rough shape and needs refinishing. The pantry needs a proper floor cover, built in shelves and a door. The windows need attention and some kind of covering...a curtain or shade...still need to figure that out. In the meantime I'm using the velvet ones from the dining room. Hooks need to go up. Etc, etc.

Also, while I'm in this rare "getting organized" phase it wouldn't be a bad idea to remove the ladder, paint cans and tool bags from the corner they are still sitting in.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Goodbye 2010

Happy New Year! After a long absence, I'm trying to catch up with this nearly non-existent blog with a few pictures from last year.

February: Maple tap at the Baldwins.
April in Boston:
Rowan at the ropes course.
Chatham 4th of July.
August: Cousins.
November: Thanksgiving with the Daglios.
Christmas at home.
And a glimpse of the new kitchen...ready in time for the New Year.