Friday, December 21, 2007


I couldn't pass up this sweater for only a dollar. Made of 100% wool with a lovely beaded trim, the sweater would have been wearable if not for the hole near the neckline and the extra small size. But why let that stop me? With plans in mind, I bought it anyway. I have a weakness for bargains and recycling. So once I returned home, I spun it in the wash to felt, snipped off the sleeves and sewed them into some mittens.

Later I think I'll make a hat, but no time for that today. What I must do now is prepare for our trip and wrap some gifts. Happy Solstice!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Lilla Love

Today Lilla is six months old. Happy Half Birthday, my sweet! She is almost crawling, starting to sit, and talks with the most lovely sounds: ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma and all sorts of coos and goos. Our love for her just grows and grows.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Big Outing

I think I can count on one hand the number of times I've left the house without Lilla. Which means: A. I don't get out much and B. When I do get out, I've got a baby attached to me and a bag full of stuff (you know- diapers, diaper covers, washcloths, extra outfits, socks and hats just in case, a water bottle for the thirsty mama, diaper cream, ETC, ETC). But tonight I sneaked out of the house all by myself and went across town to a shop- a birthday treat for me! Though it probably shouldn't seem like a big deal, it felt huge to me. I was semi efficient in my shopping and even checked a few items off my Christmas list. And after trying on a few pairs of jeans for me, I have come to a more complete awareness that cake and cookies aren't my friends!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Birthday party, Take five

In spite of blizzard-like weather, we went ahead and had Rowan's party with his friends. The party that was supposed to happen last weekend and because of the bad weather I probably should have canceled it today. The snowy roads left a few people stranded at home unable to join us.

How appropriate and funny that he ended up with five parties for his fifth birthday-a family party, school party, big sister created party after school, the sick day party that one friend ended up showing up for and today's party. stomach feels woozy thinking of all the cake and goodies we have consumed over the last week.

The kids made their own pizza, ran around chaotically and didn't want to play party games.

My second try with the dinosaur cake....the frosting press is FUN!

Blowing out yet another set of candles. This boy has a stockpile of wishes.

Thanks for letting me share more birthday bits- until next year!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Just last week I broke out the old Tough Traveler backpack that I used when both Ava and Rowan were wee ones. That carrier has some serious mileage on's been on long walks through various towns and on all kinds of hikes through the woods. Now it's Lilla turn and she loves it. I love it too as she can be securely on my back while I tend to other things (and there are so very many things to do.) Well, Ava- the super helper- wanted to have a go with it. So we strapped Lilla on Ava's back and they were off.
Since Ava is just ten and Lilla is not so petite, the carrying sessions don't last long, but I had to snap a picture of this sweet moment.

"Gingerbread" Houses

Making a big, elaborate gingerbread house has been in my mind's list of things to do before Christmas. I have all the supplies ready and waiting to make up the dough, but I can't seem to get my act together. Then along comes some graham crackers. Hmmm...graham cracker cottages- a great idea I spied elsewhere. All I needed to do was trim the crackers with a serrated knife, made up a bunch of royal icing (meringue powder, powdered sugar and water), lay out an assortment of fun, junky candies and let the kids go to work. Okay, it was still messy (crushed cracker crumbs everywhere, red hot candies this way and that, and icing on my cookbook), but the kids had fun and the little houses came out sweet. Before long we may end up with a whole village. And I might just get inspired enough to bake up that promised gingerbread...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hello sunshine!

Illness has reigned over our house the last couple days. All three kids have had their turn with a yucky virus which has added up to much coughing, nose wiping, and some feverish brows. We've gulped down many cups of tea, lounged and read piles of books. And of course we watched lots of movies to counteract cabin fever. The weather seems to be reflecting our mood lately. Monday and Tuesday's oppressive skies and unyielding drizzle melded well with our groggy selves. Today the sun is peering out from the clouds, its light intensified by the remaining snow. The kids are on the mend and I am ready to tackle the chores that await me.

Before I go, I must make note of my sweet sister's birthday. Today Sonja turns 30. Happy, happy birthday!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Great Expectations

It's early morning here and all is quiet, except for the steady sound of melting snow drip-dropping from the roof in time with the clicking of the keyboard. The weekend had been full of expectations and plans. On Saturday there was a basketball game and girl scouts for Ava, practice for the Christmas play, tickets in the Advent stocking for the Nutcracker performance, and more shopping in preparation for Rowan's birthday party with his friends. Sunday morning was the Christmas pageant performance with our entire family in the play and Rowan's birthday party was supposed to be on Sunday afternoon. But a little bout of illness came our way and our tightly knit plans began to unravel. I guess it's just that time of year...
Here's a picture from the the ice sculpture tour that is probably to blame for the kids getting sick:

The biggest disappointment was postponing Rowan's party. On Saturday night Lea and I had already done much of the preparation- the dinosaur carrot cake was ready, decorations were up, snacks prepared and favor bags filled, but Sunday morning Rowan did not want to get out of bed. He really wanted to have the party, though. After some consoling, tea and the offer to watch a favorite movie, he was agreeable to postponing his party. With any luck, the party will happen next weekend and cake #3 will be rolling out of my oven. And since we're on the subject of cake I must share this recipe of our favorite carrot cake, courtesy of the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook:

2 cup All purpose flour
2 cup Sugar
1 teaspoon Baking powder
1 teaspoon Baking soda
1 teaspoon Salt (a little less is better)
1 teaspoon Ground cinnamon
3 cup Finely shredded carrot
1 cup Cooking oil

Combine first six ingredients, then add the remaining three. Mix well and pour into a 13x9x2 (50 to 60 mins at 325F) or two 9 inch (40 mins at 325F) lightly greased and floured pans. Cool well and frost with cream cheese frosting.

So easy, so good!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Now Rowan is five...

And his birthday could not have arrived soon enough. Rowan's been waiting just a bit impatiently these last several days. I've heard the refrain, "how many days until my birthday?" a lot. Well finally the day is here! Yippee!

Early in the day we looked at old photo albums and I recounted the story of his original birth day and what he was like as a baby. He really liked listening, which made me wish I had recorded even more memories in his baby book. Later on, we baked an almond-orange cake with chocolate glaze, which incidentally was the same cake I made while waiting for my labor to kick in just before his birth. Oooo...I do love this nearly vegan cake, but don't make it very often. I think it's perfect for winter birthdays and holidays, though. Funny that this was his requested cake...even funnier that he didn't eat a bite (chocolate ice cream stood in quite nicely).

Now before Rowan even left his bed this morning, he did get to open a few gifts which sweet Ava brought up. He was supposed to wait to open the rest until after dad got home, but he "Couldn't Wait." With dad's phone call of approval he opened a few more after Ava returned home from school...

In the evening we met Eddie downtown at Alphabet Soup (the favorite toy store on the commons) so Rowan could shop with some of his birthday money. Lea and Kevin also joined us and helped to spoil our birthday boy. After a little pizza dinner, we headed home for cake. Poor Ava wasn't feeling well and had to go to bed early, but Lea and Kevin were still able to join us for our family celebration.

Showing five with his hand....and a Playmobile strewn table:

Blowing out the candles to the cake he decided not to eat...

Sandwiched by his parents...

Happy Birthday Beautiful Boy! We love you.

And thank you all for the birthday wishes, cards and gifts.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ready or Not

I'm beginning to understanding why stores put out their Christmas decorations earlier and earlier each year. And instead of being miffed by the unseasonal decor in October, I should have taken the cue: get ready NOW. I have been happily shuffling along with Christmas decorating, crafting and planning, but I'm starting to panic because I really haven't done a whole lot of shopping. Well, I've looked and pondered, but always with the thought that I have plenty more time to meander through the st0res. I find it so challenging to settle on gifts for others. Ideally I could buy local, handmade goods and make some gifts, but homespun isn't for everyone.

Onward with the more important (and pressing) plans... there is a birthday coming up with cakes to bake, presents to wrap and a party for celebrating. Today is Rowan's last day of being four because tomorrow my favorite boy turns five. I had to pull out this picture from last Spring, because it was this year that my sweet boy went from riding tricycles to riding bicycles- sans training wheels.
Oh boy, is he ready for five!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Tipsy Tree

I don't know why this struck me as funny, but somewhere in my blog travels I saw a blurry photo of a Christmas tree described as having one too many martinis, or something like that. It gave me a little chuckle, so I thought I'd share my own version of the drunken tree:

Over these last few days, I've been working (really hard!) on getting a family holiday photo. I've got a bunch of funny out-takes because inevitably one of the kids is frowning or looking away. And now I am beginning to sound like a sergeant..."let's see a nice smile...but not too big...Rowan sit still, look over here...Ava straighten your glasses...where's the brush?" But like my sister Laura said about these photo sessions, there is no perfect shot. Wish me luck in getting an imperfectly cute one!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Old Traditions, New traditions

This year marks a break in our usual Christmas tradition of picking and cutting our own tree. Each year since we have moved to this rural area, we have gone to a farm to pick out our Christmas tree. I love the whole scene- wandering in the pine fragrant field and examining all the possibilities until we find the "just right" tree. We look for a tall tree, sturdy branches, soft needles and of course a wonderful smell. Once we get the tree and strap it to the car, we are off to pay, sip hot chocolate, and munch cookies.

But this year with a new little one in the house, life is just too crazy busy. So the tree was unceremoniously purchased at the new market down the street. The tree is still local and organic and met most of the above requirements, but I really missed the whole event of strolling around the farm and the kids voting on which one is best.

On a positive note, the advent garland that I've been chugging away on is finally finished and hanging. This is another one of those projects I mean to do each Christmas, but usually just get a store bought paper one with chocolates in it. Here is a little glimpse:Today's stocking contains two candy canes and a coupon for decorating the Christmas tree. I can't wait to get out the ornaments and lights! Happy Weekend!