Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hello again

With summertime in full swing, the computer has become a very low priority. It's been weeks since I've posted here, emails regularly pile up in my inbox and I haven't kept up with the various sites I usually visit. While a break from the computer has been great, I miss this little space. Plus, I have a backlog of things I wanted to share here. At the top of my list is my little one's 3rd Birthday. Yes, Lilla turned 3 last month and we celebrated her day with friends and family, water play and carrot cake (by her request).

With her mile wide grin and friendly nature, Lilla is a joy in so many ways. It's been fun to see how many common interests we share...she loves cooking and gardening and dresses that twirl. She'll happily join me for a yoga session or paw through fabrics at the store. Happy Birthday dear one...I can't wait to see what this next year holds.