Thursday, May 14, 2009


Come warm weather, these are the spots I love to escape to. Following woodsy trails and coming up upon little hidden spots by the creek to find some calm, quiet and cool. The kids and I could spend hours here- climbing, splashing around (when it's not too cool), skipping stones, and just being mesmerized by the ever rushing water and the ancient crumbly stone walls.

These are the places- so abundant here- that I know I will miss deeply if the time comes for us to move away.  For now, I'll just keep soaking in this place I love to call home.

Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day

Our violets are back. These simple lovelies spread through the yard in a most irresistible way- looking a bit like misty purple clouds among the grass. Almost enchanted.  Somehow their arrival always surprises me and leaves me with the happy assurance of Summer.  Ahh... looking forward to more days of warmth and sunshine.