Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Last night I finally began my Halloween costume making. Could I be any more last minute? It all of a sudden dawned on me that I would have to get started sometime as we are leaving town today and not arriving back until Friday afternoon (mere hours before trick or treat time). I'm packing up and bring along the little hand sewn bits I have left to finish off during the long car ride south: the cat ears for Ava's costume, seam binding and fabric leaves for Lilla's fall fairy costume and the woolen hat (which I dyed blue last night!) for Rowan's Minuteman outfit. Right now my sewing space is a wreck with mounds of black faux fur, snipped up woolens, velvet and voile everywhere. I'm saving cleanup for when I return. And what, might you ask, am I doing on the computer right now?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Puppy love

A new little friend for our family. Charlotte's her name. She came from the animal shelter, but before that she was an island girl. A vet brought up a few stray pups from the Bahamas (hopefully the pups don't mind being rescued from a tropical paradise). Apparently there are thousands of these dogs running amok and just barely eking out an existence. They are known as "Potcakes" because they eat the caked-on scraps from the bottoms of pots and pans left out by the locals.
The kids had been begging to get a dog for a long time, but the timing never seemed right. I'm so glad we finally took the plunge...Charlotte is a great little dog.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Into the woods

Last week we went out seeking autumn color and light in the peaceful quiet of the forest. A woodland hike with a few friends and a backpack stashed with some painting supplies helped in our quest. After finding a leaf covered clearing and nestling in a bit, the paint and paper came out and both the mamas and the little ones joined in the fun. With pencil, we traced a variety of leaf shapes onto our watercolor paper. Then with paintbrush in hand, we filled in with a wash of color. Even after leafy subjects were exhausted by the boys, they continued on, creating abstract landscapes and humming all the while. The real treat was in the process: playing with color to the tune of  leaves rustling and the singsong of childhood.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

In sadness

"In times of sorrow the universe holds you in its embrace."- Barbara C. Lee
Found this quote on the kind of card no one ever wants to buy. The card that quietly attempts to bring some measure of comfort in a time of sadness.

This has been a heartbreaking week. My sister's dear twin babies- Isabella and David- were born early and were just too small too survive.
Many leaves and tears are falling.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Making history

A few snippets of our day at the Newark Valley Apple Festival last weekend. Every year I plan and hope to go to this event, but for one reason or another we've never gone. This year, however, I was not going to let that happen. So the kids and I went. As excited as I am about apples, the real feature of the day is touring the grounds and buildings of this gorgeous historic farmstead. And the kids busied themselves making old-fashioned crafts, playing traditional games and watching (and helping) the living historians at work.
After spending a day in such a place, I felt a little torn about leaving. There is something I love about the beauty and simplicity of days gone by. Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong era. Of course, I am also reminded of how easy I have it. The woman spinning flax talked about how it would take a full year to make a single linen shirt- from growing the flax, preparing the fiber, weaving and sewing. I am so fortunate that I may chose (mostly) how to spend my time. I am not required to sew or cook from scratch. Our livelihood does not depend solely on our gardening ability. I do happen to enjoy such pursuits, but perhaps I wouldn't if all I did was labor away.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Apple goodness

My weekend wishes were fulfilled: apple picking and a festival (more on that tomorrow).
This year the crop was so good that the farm was practically giving them away. We filled up two half bushel bags in no time. Rowan made me laugh as he just had to use the stool and the grabber pole to aid with his picking. There was plenty of fruit hanging low and heavy on the branches, but he just needed the added challenge of reaching up to the tippy top of the tree.
Some of the apples have been put to immediate good use. While I was at work the other night Ava whipped up an apple crisp for the rest of the family. She's quite the baker these days and is especially motivated when sweets are involved. I returned home to find just a bit left- and stole a few delicious bites.
Today Rowan put his chopping skills to work helping prep fruit for applesauce. After simmering and letting the apple-y fragrance fill the kitchen, we sat down to share our snack with a favorite friend.
And the dishes were scraped clean.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Elfkin babushka

A new little hat for a little girl. And why not with a little bell? (reinforced to stay on well.) I was just going to make a little pom-pom like the pattern suggested. The pattern is roughly copied from the gnome hat in The Children's Year (a favorite crafty/seasonal book of mine). Because I used a different needle/yarn combo than called for, it took a little tinkering before the sizing worked- well kind of worked. Anyway, I like to try and use just the materials I have on hand (and whoa I have way too much yarn on hand), so this one's knit up with one strand of 100% wool held together with a variegated acrylic. I usually steer clear of synthetic yarn, but for this I like the combination of the two fibers. The hat is soft and warm without requiring a lining, one less step for me!
And the brilliant trees with their rainbow colors are making me very happy indeed.
Happy weekend...I think we're going to an Apple Festival on Sunday and hopefully some apple picking very soon as well.