Thursday, May 14, 2009


Come warm weather, these are the spots I love to escape to. Following woodsy trails and coming up upon little hidden spots by the creek to find some calm, quiet and cool. The kids and I could spend hours here- climbing, splashing around (when it's not too cool), skipping stones, and just being mesmerized by the ever rushing water and the ancient crumbly stone walls.

These are the places- so abundant here- that I know I will miss deeply if the time comes for us to move away.  For now, I'll just keep soaking in this place I love to call home.


The Bowens said...

What a beautiful spot! You are so lucky to live there. It looks so relaxing.

Lynn said...

Oh, how enticing! Have lots of fun, and I hope your next adventure lands you in a similarly beautiful spot.

Leanne said...

Wow a move possibly on the way!
Ooh the unknown and unexpected....I wonder what will be on the horizon for your lovely fmaily. I understand how your soul can become ever so slightly enmeshed in a can be very hard to say goodbye...especially when it is such a beautiful place as in your pictures...wonderful Sabrina.

gardenmama said...

What a beautiful spot to enjoy the simple joys of nature! I understand how hard moving can be when you have roots in a place...wishing you many blessings on your journey!

Levin said...

these photos are the stuff of my fondest childhood memories. i loved walking through miles and miles of bush only to come across a waterfall or a creek or a waterhole. i love water - i love the sound it makes as it runs over stones, i love the coolness of it on my feet, i love the colour of it in all it's different forms.
your photos are lovely :)

Elizabeth said...

Relocation, how exciting! Though I will miss seeing the photos of the beautiful place you are now if you move on!