Monday, February 16, 2009

Scaling new heights

Here I am- camera in hand- holding my breath as I watch Rowan navigate and strain to reach each rock. Although he's tethered and secure, he is a little uncertain at first about this whole rock climbing business. The first few tentative tries don't seem to do much for his confidence. But on the third or fourth attempt he finds his footing and all of a sudden nears the ledge, the entrance to the "cave" that has become the goal for all the children climbing that day. And then I see it, just a corner of the smile that has crept across his face- that slightly shy smile of recognizing one's own success. Lilla too is becoming a little climber at home, wanting to go "up, up, UP!" those stairs all by herself. And I'm trying not to hold my breath too much as I follow behind her, ready to catch her.


Leanne said...

Wow well done Rowan! That satisfaction is so worth it...maybe more so for the watching proud Mama...
It's joyous and sometimes nailbiting watching those little ones making big new steps.

Lynn said...

Go, Rowan, go! He looks like a natural. (Great photos, Sabrina!)