Thursday, June 11, 2009

Been gone so long

I hardly know where to begin. So about a random picture from last month? Spring comes along and suddenly I want to paint my whole house and make new curtains and get organized. My head begins bursting with possibilities until- of course- a healthy dose of realism reminds me that there still is just 24 hours in each day. To fulfill my urge for brightening things up inside, I tackled the bathroom. A lick of paint here and there and just one window to make curtains for (my stash of Sis Boom fabric came in handy). Ah, the smallest room in the house is just my speed right now.

I'll be back soon with some tales (or at least pictures) of our recent travels.


Lynn said...

Whew -- what a relief to have you back!!

Lovely curtains, lovely lilacs...can't wait to hear and see more...

gardenmama said...

Glad to hear your back!
What a beautiful picture... Spring always brings on sewing new curtains for me as well!
Can't wait to hear of your adventures : )

The Bowens said...

Good to have you back!!

Leanne said...

Pretty picture...those curtains do look lovely. yes that urge to change and brighten...a little refreshment for the home... I know it well!