Saturday, October 10, 2009

Apples and more

Living in apple country, we're usually over-loaded with apples at this time of year. But a visit to the apple farm proved this season to be a little different. I'm not sure why....maybe the late spring frosts and the cooler, damp summer took their toll. This year apple picking was more like treasure hunting. From afar the trees looked perfect, but upon closer inspection we saw a lot of bad apples: spotted, small, misshapen, not terribly tasty...a little disappointing I must admit. But with some careful hunting, there were apples to find and carefully tuck into our bags to savor later. And with less, I think we end up appreciating them all the more.
And there were other treasures to discover at the farm. Freshly cooked apple cider donuts that disappeared without photo evidence, hidden huts in the surrounding woods and a circular lilac hedge. A perfect little hideaway with the sinking sun lighting it up. Now if only I can remember to come here when the lilacs are in bloom...what a heavenly scented place that will be.


Leanne said...

Oh I'm sure the gems you found were certainly delicious and by the look of your lovely photo's the adventure you found seems to be just as delightful ending in sweet Lilla running off into the forest sunset! I think I would be tempted to run off there too.
I have never smelled nor think I've seen lilac here either? I wonder what it smells like?

Mary Smith said...

We just went apple-picking today! What magical photos!

Lynn said...

Look! A little flower-bedecked fairy!! So precious...

The Bowens said...

Our apples were not much better this year. Lots and lots of spots on them. That lilac hedge looks like a fairy garden. Lilla must have had a great time exploring!

gardenmama said...

Gorgeous photos Sabrina!!
It looks like an incredible visit : )

ava d. said...

everyone! these are the most used words on moms blog! look at it!
(it rox)

Gill - That British Woman said...

Great photos, haven't been apple picking in years. I was looking at an old post on my blog about produce bags, and saw your comment, and thought I'd pop by and say hello.

Gill in Canada

Laura said...

Halloween pictures PLEASE!!