Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The outdoor classroom

On days as picture perfect as the last several have been, I'm so grateful we homeschool. The books, papers and meals all come outside. We can sit and soak in the fresh air and beauty...and completely avoid that torturous feeling of being stuck inside on a beautiful day. Oh, I remember that feeling all too well from childhood, looking out the classroom window and wishing I could be out there.

So we read, wrote and explored out of doors. Between watching the new bird build a nest, seeing our monarch caterpillars grow and building bridges at the creek, there's plenty to learn.


Leanne said...

Oh yes the outdoors is the best classroom...and the best teacher (other than the Mama of course). And what a pretty outdoors it is there too Sabrina. Love that sweet writing. Hope there are some eggs in that nest soon.

Lynn said...

How wonderful! We're currently enjoying the antics of six baby groundhogs at the house behind us!

Margann said...

It looks like Rowan has had a growth spurt!

Anonymous said...

Looks and sounds ideal! It is winter here...brrrrr!

The Silver Mage said...

Yours is the first blog I have read since creating my own. Your pictures are so beautiful, you have a lovely gift! I wish and feel inspired to try to take such lovely photos myself. I have two young boys 7 & nearly 4. I too want them to love nature & learn from it as I love nature. Thankyou for sharing your beautiful pictures and thoughts with us.

Mama Randa Morning Glory said...

Learning from nature is the purest, best education there is. It's too sad that so very few children actually get to experience the forest, stream, prarie, mountain.