Sunday, March 29, 2009

Welcome Spring

We had a glimpse of lovely warm weather yesterday. We spent the day outdoors...preparing garden beds and boiling more maple sap. Yes, we threw ourselves in to making syrup again this year. After last year I wasn't certain I'd attempt it again considering the investment of time and effort required to get just a bit of syrup. But, oh well it's just too delicious to resist. And we do have several mature maples only steps from the house. And now we have nearly two gallons of syrup for the upcoming months!

And with our wonderful weather, Lilla had the opportunity to wear her new outfit Grandma brought back from India. She just loves to jingle the bells attached to the skirt:
And investigate all the sparkly mirrors attached to the shirt.
But now she says enough with the photos, Mama. Put this lens cap back on please!


Leanne said...

Oh how fascinating!! Your own homemade maple syrup....double yum! I hope you share the finished product here.
And look at Lilla...she has grown and changed so much in the shortest time....and what a wonderful outfit....I don't think I would be able to resist just jingling along in that fabulous skirt either....straight from India and all! x

ED said...

So how do you make maple syrup anyway? Can you show us some pictures of your setup and results?

I heard you make a homemade skin lotion as well that is really nice, can we have the recipe?

Sabrina said...

Oh Eddie! You make it sound like you weren't there (or helping!) throughout the whole process. Well, I could share some pictures of the boiling down process, but I'm afraid it's not more exciting them watching water boil...for days. I guess there was the additional element of outdoor fun and making a fire all day everyday for a week.

I will definitely share the skin lotion recipe. I love it!

Anonymous said...

I have a vague recollection that Aunt Charlotte used to put egg whites on top of the boiling sap to pick up impurities. Anyway, making maple syrup at home makes a big mess. But could you please bring a sample to try when you come? Love, Dad

The Bowens said...

She really is such a DOLL!

Laura said...

Oh Lilla is so cute in that little outfit! And yes, please bring some maple syrup if there will be some ready! Can't wait to see you guys soon!! xoxo