Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hello again

Well I guess we've seen the last of our sandy, summer days this year. Though I'm not the least bit ready for it, September is here. Midday stills beams warm and golden, but the air has turned decidedly cooler at night. The change in the light and temperature is urging me forward to gather and organize. Time to bring in the last of summer's berries. Time to sharpen our pencils and line up our fall activities. From the brimming list of amazing things to do, how to pick and choose? This year has me just a bit more anxious than the past as this year is our first to officially report Rowan as a homeschooler. As things are shaping up I have a feeling that it will be a good and very busy year ahead. But as I ponder and plan how we'll be spending our days, I'm trying to ensure there will be plenty of time to just be. To be in nature's playground: learning, exploring and holding on to wonder.


Leanne said...

Oh Sabrina! What an adventure you are embarking on! I will be excitedly watching (as always) your journey. My heart still pulls me, not always gently, in the homeschooling direction. My lack of courage and confidence however pulls me in the other direction....I'm sure you must know that tug-o-war then?
So sad to say farewell to Summer and sand but with so much on your list I'm sure Summer will spin right back around to you before you know it. x
ps So very glad you are back!

Lynn said...

Oh, MAN -- your photographs get more gorgeous all the time! That luminous blue swimsuit with the textures of the sand and the blue sky...really stunning, Sabrina. Possible part-time career???

As always, knock on my door if you want to talk homeschooling...

Lynn said...

P.S. If you moved to middle America, you would RELISH the end of summer...although to be honest, we haven't had it too bad this year.

Fifi Flowers said...

ADORABLE photos!!!

Sabrina said...


Carolyn said...

Sabrina, I too am sorry to see summer go but I love autumn too much to be sad for long. One of the high points of our summer was seeing you!
I wish you lived nearby so that we could plan homeschooling activities together. I can not wait to hear how it is going for you.

gardenmama said...

Such beautiful photos Sabrina!
I did not realize you are also a homeschooling family! I loved reading about your thoughts on this new season and journey into schooling. I look forward to hearing more about your days : )