Friday, September 18, 2009

A little treat

Sometimes I have a little helper that sits on my lap as I attempt to go on the internet. It's a tricky operation. She has opinions. She wants to listen to music....she wants to see certain pictures. She has plenty of advice for me: "Go backwards to THAT picture!" or "Different song, please." And this cracks me up: "I like that one!"

As I posted pictures from Ava's birthday party and she saw the cake, she decided she wanted cake. "Mama, make some cake!" Well, I wasn't planning on cake, but I did have lots of zucchini. So zucchini bread it was. And though she was not entirely convinced she wanted to try it, one powdered sugar sprinkled bite convinced her otherwise. A decadent treat for sure.


Lynn said...

That little top she's wearing! Those chubby hands! And the hairdos on that fab video...

(LOVE your new banner, by the way...)

Leanne said...

Ha! Yes I have a helper just like that too!! Ah and they both seem to have excellent taste in music and food...and the ability to leave behind such a sweet little mess after eating I see. It must have been delicious...and you must share your recipe...I have some zucchini's growing in the garden that I am watching closely!

gardenmama said...

sweet little helper : )
i love, love these photos! the last one is too sweet!