Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gratitude 1

As a way of coping with life's uneven terrain, Lynn has been sharing a Gratitude Project over at her place. And being a complete copy-cat, I thought I'd do the same. Even though I often am a bit of a 'glass half-empty' kind of girl, writing here allows me to step away from that and to frame the beauty I see. Maybe outside the frame there is clutter, a power line or something else unsightly, but being able to share and remember what's good or joyful has been rewarding. And where there is gratitude, unhappiness has a harder time finding a way in. So without further ado, today I'm feeling grateful for the candles and flowers that grace my table. When the shorter, darker days of winter come, candles often make their way to our dinner (lunch or breakfast) table. I guess that need for just a little more light is instinctual, something that isn't easily accomplished with electric bulbs. And sitting together, circled around the flicker of candles often reminds us to share a little prayer or offering of gratitude. Of course, there are plenty of times we're rushed or too distracted remember, but when we do it helps to put everything into perspective. Yes, the colder weather and lack of light really do call for extra nourishment of mind, body and spirit.And oh, to have flowers when everything else is gray and bleak! Just the unfurling of one delicate African violet blossom is quite enough to make me happy. This little potted plant was a gift from sweet lady. Hope this Sunday finds you circled around with friends and family.


Anonymous said...

Your blogs are always beautiful. Love to see them and love you. Dad

Leanne said...

What a beautiful project. That is what blogging is about to me...finding those beautiful and most times little things!
Candles just have that way of warming and uplifting every aspect of life somehow don't they? In Summer lighting mine waits until the sun starts to set... but they still get lit...kind of a ritual I guess and a moment to just gather myself and be centered if even for just the lighting, you know?
(and Pst I'm often a glass is half empty kinda gal too. ;) ) x

The Bowens said...

What a pretty post Sa

Lynn said...

Lovely! Don't candles at the table make such a difference? On our dining table we have two iron pinecone candleholders with tapers and a pottery bowl with a pillar. Need to replace the tapers - they're just little stubs after a couple months of use - but the pillar is going strong... (and that is WAY too much information - ha!)

Sabrina said...

Dad: Glad you keep reading here...thanks for your support!
Leanne: Based on all the great things you share, I would never have guessed that you too are sometimes in that glass half empty club.
Laura: Thanks!!
Lynn: Looks like my candles are deserving a change- all drippy and stubby. Your candle holders sound pretty!