Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where I've been

Coming up for air after a long and busy month+. Yes, those holidays stress me out. I stress about the things I do and then stress some more about all the things that don't get done. With the disruption from remodeling being ever present all month, a lot of holiday traditions were left by the wayside. We did not even get our own tree this year (no advent calendar, much baking or crafting either) And through it all I sort of felt like a bad mom...not taking the time to make things as special as I would like.

I also stress about finding everyone appropriate gifts, partly because I tend to procrastinate, putting things off in hopes of finding a more perfect gift. But of course all the procrastination just leaves me in a frenzy at the end. So here is my note to self for next year: begin all holiday preparations much, much earlier!

But we did get to go to the Cape for Christmas and this is why I forgive myself for copping out on such much on decorations/festivities at our own home. Oh there were heaps of snow to marvel at there! And we all took advantage of the snow-even as at began to melt away-for sledding on Christmas day. Weather depending I think this makes for a very good tradition!

See that grass poking through on this well-used hill and coat-less big girls? Nearly balmy.

And in since returning back home from the holidays we've had lots of bitter cold days, seemingly endless snow and way too many days stuck inside with one illness or another. So, I'm sorry to be away from here for so long. I see the sun poking out today...I'll be back soon.


Miranda said...

Welcome back! I can totally relate to the slacking off at holiday time due to renovations. We did do a tree because Christmas was going to be here that morning, so I could not leave it out, but so much more got undone. Oh well, there is always next year!

Carolyn said...

That looks like fun!
Also...I think if you are traveling for the holidays you are exempt from trying to do all your usual traditions (that goes double if you are renovating too.)
It seems like almost everyone I spoke to during the holidays felt a little off kilter this year.

Leanne said...

Ah you certainly have had a lot on your plate lately...I think we are all forgiven for missing out a few things this are not alone...but I think that snowy fun sure does look like it makes up for it all!!

Anonymous said...

Christmas has a habit of sneaking up on me too and I find myself way to frantic in the last couple of weeks!
Lets start our shopping/making now and make next Christmas a relaxing time and easy going for us!
Michele x
P.S. Good to see you back