Thursday, February 25, 2010

Slow day

The morning sounds are different, everything is hushed. It's so quiet, one almost can hear the slow flakes touching down. As the roads are blanketed with snow, we fold away all of our previous plans and possible errands. Today there's time for baking, making and just being. Even time for a little walk. I like that.


Lynn said...

Ooh, it looks so pretty! I'd take a little more of the white stuff in exchange for the bitter COLD we're having. Can you arrange that?

Carrie said...

I've been wondering if you guys got any snow this week. Beautiful description of your day and those are great pics! I'm wishing we had some of that snow - it's all brown and wet here.

Ava Dodge said...

Carrie- We now have over 2 feet of snow! and another Snow day!!! The snow goes up to my thighs and to rowans waist! And poor charlotte is almost completely buried! :) -Ava

Leanne said...

Wow it is just beautiful! A real wonderland for someone who has never seen that before! If only I could pop over for a stroll with you all...and maybe just a taste of your baking. What a great day to just *be*.

The Bowens said...

So Pretty!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you might want to get out Whittier's "Snow Bound" and read portions of it to "Rowan.
We are lucky- we escaped the recent frozen precipitation- it arrived in liquid form.
Love, Dad

Ellie G. said...

Oh the creek looks like the river in the Chornicles of Narnia!! Very pretty :)

Laura said...

Wow! Looks like a lot of snow! Glad you had a slow day...Sounds wonderful!

Elizabeth said...

There is something so classic and comforting about that shot of the mitten in the snow!