Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wishful thinking

Walking around such quaint seaside neighborhoods, I couldn't help but feel little pangs of jealously over the finely manicured lawns and gardens like this:
or this:
In stark contrast to these is my scruffy garden which has become all the more jungle like and out of control since neglecting it these last few weeks:
Hmmm... perhaps I can teach this babe here to pull weeds instead of nibbling nasturtium blossoms. And a landscaping team and some hydrangea wouldn't hurt either.


Laura said...

I can't even picture where that house is! Anyway, your garden is just fine and Lilla looks so, so sweet in it!

Lynn said...

The window boxes! The picket fence! Idyllic. However, your garden looks completely magical, with all of those neat rocks and everything. And I'm envying you those nasturtiums -- I have little luck with 'em.

(Thanks for taking the time to do all of that kindly commenting at my place! You're the sweetest!)

Lynn said...

P.S. That last photo is so especially frame-worthy. Actually, you could make a set of note cards of all of these shots! I'd buy them, for sure!

Leanne said...

Oh what lovely look at but not maintain....too much work and not enough living. Your garden looks just perfect to me, magical, natural and "alive".

Anonymous said...

Lilla is such a sweet pea amongst all those other veggies! I love your garden...and I know the deer do, too.

Elizabeth said...

From what I have seen you have a lovely garden too. But I absolutely understand the garden envy. I feel the same wandering around my neighborhood and seeing brownstones with big backyards.