Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer snippets

For the last week or so, Fall has been sneaking its way into our evenings. Just a few nudges here and there of the coming season: the fans are turned off, a little sweater might be worn for an after dinner stroll and maybe an extra blanket lands on the bed. But right now the days are still warm or even hot. There is still time to linger outside: splashing in the water, kicking back at the playground as my kids run circles around me, savoring icy treats under a hot sun and hiking around to discover the gems hidden at the end of a trail. So before summer makes way fully to falling leaves and frosty days, I'm drinking in these these summer time scenes:


Lynn said...

Love the group shot in front of the waterfall! Actually, all of the pix are great. But I must say, in that last one of Lilla, the light is already looking pretty darn fall-ish...

Elizabeth said...

I've been feeling that slight chill in the air and am very sad about it. Way to make the most of the last days of summer!

Sabrina said...

Oh my favorite time of the year, warm during the day and chills in your bones at night. Bring on the sweaters. I must admist I want to come visit and enjoy the beauty that you show in your photos. HA>

Leanne said...

Ah yes lapping up the last days...enjoy! I hope they last a little longer...but you always have those photo treasures to warm you. I'm afraid I'm wishing the time away looking forward to shedding the layers but feel a little sad that you are experiencing the opposite. Such a circle.

Laura said...

I know... I can't believe summer is just around the corner! Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of days and share those last days of August together!