Monday, December 1, 2008

Giving thanks

Last Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving here, just us. We did not travel to visit family as we normally do and skipped cooking the usual feast to instead eat at a restaurant. All in all a very untraditional holiday, but it is such breaking away from tradition that makes one appreciate it all the more. Too often, amidst life's busy-ness and responsibilities, I forget to feel gratitude for the joy and wonder that surrounds. At this time of the year, I am reminded to pause and reflect on all the happiness in my life: family, friends, the peace and comfort of home, nature's beauty and the bounty of good things to eat. In honor of this holiday, we made a Gratitude Tree using our watercolor leaves painted a few weeks ago and took turns writing what we are thankful for on the back of each leaf.
While the word family was written more than once on our leaves, I was grateful for Saturday afternoon when  I stayed home alone to putter around (very novel indeed!) I even had a chance to play around with the new sewing machine  and paint a bit of my boy's bedroom. And when the kids returned, I was ready to receive them...for a break was just what this Mama needed to feel all the more thankful for these loves of my life.

Happy December 1st!


Lynn said...

Oh, Sabrina, could you just be MY mother? I realize there's the little matter of my being older than you, but I think we can work with that. I mean, watercolor thankfulness leaves?!?! You saw our hastily-cut construction paper ones (grin)! And I need to take efficiency/focus lessons from you, too -- sewing and painting all in one afternoon! I'd spend that time wondering which task to do, nervously nibbling chocolate, and just plain frittering. Oh, and maybe knitting a few rows and then scowling at my work. >;-D (So glad you had such a wonderful if unconventional holiday!!)

Elizabeth said...

I love the idea of a gratitude tree. I think I may have to file that one away for when I am a mother myself. And a new sewing machine? Can't wait to see what fun that will bring!

Leanne said...

Oh so many things to be grateful for.... a sweet quiet family celebration, a gorgeous gratitude tree (and the lovely ability to create such beauty with your wonderful ideas), time alone AND a new machine! I love that you pause and reflect so softly and gracefully.

Anonymous said...

Sa, your beautiful tree and table look very Thankgiving-y, even if your dinner was not a traditional one at home. We missed you guys this Thanksgiving and hope we get to see you all sometime soon!

Sabrina said...

And thank you to the people who read and comment over really makes my day! You all are WAY too kind.

The Bowens said...

If I stand really, really close to you will some of your creativity rub off on me??? I desperately need some!