Saturday, December 13, 2008

Winter picnic

Come join us ...we've got heaps of new fallen snow. Everything is frost covered but it's really not too cold. Bring out your sleds and we'll dine at the top of the hill- today's menu: freshly baked potatoes washed down with a mug of hot chocolate.


Leanne said...

Oh these pictures make me breathless! I can only imagine! So so white...and so much fun (for the body and the tummy it sounds). My goodness Sabrina the transformation in your part of the world is truly amazing! Amazing.

Lynn said...

Ooh, idyllic! And now I'm hungry for potatoes, too! (Our snowfall isn't nearly as impressive, but there's ice underneath...could be interesting...)

Jodi said...

I'm jealous. It looks like magic!

Elizabeth said...

Oh, what a perfect winter day! I'm very envious. And I'm also loving your header photograph.

Levin said...

wow - that's so amazing to see. i can't imagine being surrounded by so much snow - actually i can't imagine it snowing at all. it looks absolutely wonderful, and i wish i could share your picnic with you. one year, i would really, really, really love to have a cold christmas.