Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sweater pants

With today's weather briskly in the single digits, I didn't stray too far from home. In fact I didn't allow myself to get too far from the wood stove. I just enviously eyed Lilla's super warm sweater pants. These were made last winter out of a Salvation Army sweater, but due to Mama's extra generous sizing they are fitting Miss L just right this year.
Okay, I know I've already mentioned before what a wool junkie I am, but the material is such fun for so many repurposing projects. We've turned old felted sweaters into mittens, slippers, hats, pants, Christmas ornaments and stockings. Thrift stores (and the closets of your friends and family) are just overflowing with beautifully colored and textured woolen sweaters. And once the sweater is felted- needs a high wool content and some vigorous washing and drying- the edges won't fray. I so prefer working with this material over the thin polyester felt you can buy in craft shops. Another cool part about working with sweaters is trying to incorporate the finished edges into your final project. For instance, I cut out the pants so that the bottom cuffs would line up with the bottom of the sweater where it was ribbed. I just used a pair of baby pants for a makeshift pattern, but I would imagine a store bought pattern would work well.

Now if I could just find a sweater big enough for a giant, I might whip up a pair for myself and then probably hide in the house looking like an oddball.


Lynn said...

Oddballs unite! I say stride right out in those grown-up sweater pants (once you have 'em)! (Loving the Lilla ones -- they look SO cozy.)

Leanne said...

Ha! Yes a grown up pair would be great! These pants are awesome Sabrina! I have been thinking a lot about felting sweaters lately but am waiting....I don't feel like handling wool during our steamy summer....I'll continue to think about it, eagerly, for now.
And there's that gorgeous little rocker that!

Carolyn said...

I agree, sweater pants would be awesome. I am thinking of knitting a pair of Elizabeth Zimmerman's Nether Garments when I have saved up enough leftover sock yarn. :)
I was also thinking that felted sleeves would make great legwarmers. Those can be as wild as one likes. (I am currently wearing the legwarmers you gave me years ago before you moved...Avellana borrows them too.)