Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dusting off the needles

For months all had been quiet in the sewing corner. The fabric and thread sat lined up waiting...the sewing machine was looking a little forlorn, gathering dust. And my will to craft: not especially abundant. Even the cooler weather could not urge me to grab the woolly yarn and knitting needles. A complete craft drought (well, aside from that Halloween costume I threw together for Rowan...the costume whose many components were misplaced or temporarily lost before I ever took any photos).

So, you can imagine how excited I was when a local mama put out the invitation for folks to come on over to her place and join in on some fun studio/crafty time (and treats too!) But Mother Nature had other plans for me: a snowy afternoon that left my snow tire-less car completely unprepared for icy, hilly roads. Once we have snow on the ground, I do not like to drive anywhere with just summer tires. So I stayed home...a little bummed out but a lot inspired to make things.

And I actually started some projects that night and even finished two over the next couple days. One was a hooded cape for Rowan's medieval festival. This was made from an old wool blanket that I dyed gray. The best part about it was how much it excited him. The medieval festival was a wonderful culmination to a class Rowan had taken throughout fall.And a mystery knitted item that will be a gift so I can't say anymore...just in case. Have a happy Friday!


Miranda said...

I'm so glad I inspired some craftiness, even if you did not make it to Studio Night! There is always next month!

Leanne said...

Ahh a crafty drought...seems that one hits worldwide at times. I have been there recently too.
The look of your sewing room makes me sigh a I would love that space!
Great cape....and loving the new header Sabrina!

Lynn said...

Ooh, what a delectable sewing room! I still have to figure out how my new-to-me sewing machine works. I'm used to 1950s basic, but this one has lots and lots of little buttons...

Have fun! And I hope we'll get to see the finished product on that last one...

RunninL8 said...

I'm looking forward to a similar get together tomorrow. Sorry the weather did not play fair! But it's nice to have your jucies flowing again! Maybe set up a crafty day at YOUR house! No driving!

Elizabeth said...

I love the hooded cape. Very Lord of the Rings-ish. I have been very uninspired in the crafts area lately myself. Working on turning that around!

Anonymous said...

Love Rowan's hooded cape and wow your sewing space looks great!!
Chele x