Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Over the last year this blog has been quiet....very quiet. As I sit here uploading a year's worth of pictures onto Shutterfly (sad that I do this so infrequently), I notice how much went unrecorded here. Not that my aim for the blog is to keep track of every minuscule detail, but I initially was drawn to this format because I liked the idea of preserving the fleeting moments amidst all the busy day to day tasks. I wanted to frame these things that matter. The things that draw me in and make me smile. As a mother days can often add up to mountains of laundry, dishes, errands and schedules, but recording and reminding myself of the all good things makes everything better.


The Bowens said...

You have been gone too long! Your blogs is one of my all-time favorites...I miss it when you don't blog frequently. Blurry pictures?? You are an amazing photographer!

Miranda said...

Bring it on, Sabrina! I love your blog, so keep it comin'. I do understand the shyness, though. But I got over it, so you can, too.

Lynn said...

Oh, how I can relate! Sometimes I let my inner imp come out and override my shy self, but other times, I, too, freeze up and just stop blogging. All I can say is that your posts are always beautiful, and that I treasure these glimpses into the life of your sweet, gentle little family. xoxo

P.S. That first photo, of the leaves? Breathtaking!

Leanne said...

Oh will be along for the ride as long as you will have me...this is my very very favourite place to come and I so miss it when you are not here. I relate to your blogging tale...I find I can let my creative and somewhat inner self out in my space however though not without some self questioning and hesitance. I too am the shy one!
Absolutely loving those frosty photo's!! Wow it is getting cold there! x

Elizabeth said...

That photo of the frosty leaves that you have chosen for your header is just gorgeous!