Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Seven on the seventh

Rowan my delightful one is 7. It really is a magical age. He wished for new lego sets and was completely surprised and ecstatic as he unwrapped those sought after packages. When he opened one to see a pirate set inside, he exclaimed "how did Grandma know exactly what I wanted!" and when finding his sisters had gifted him with Star Wars legos he shouted "Thank you! I LOVE you!" and dove toward them with a big hug. So sweet.

My dear boy may have a slight (or not so slight) interest in swords/pocketknives/guns/catapults/etc and dramatic, dangerous tales, but through it all his kind heart and sensitive soul shine though. Oh how we love him! Happy Birthday Rowan!


Leanne said...

Ah's the Mama's heart that sees and melts for that sweetness inside their boys. Happy 7 years Rowan....enjoy that lego!

Lynn said...

I'll be right over for a slice of that cake!

Happy b-day, Rowan!

Anonymous said...

Rowan's golden birthday...Happy Birthday! We love you!

Love, Ari and Q