Sunday, December 13, 2009


In the midst of all the excitement during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend- family in town and excessive consumption of food- I only took a few pictures. Of a board game. No photos documenting the abundant and gorgeous feast, no pictures of family members in town (some of the Staffs came out for the first time in a few years!) But in a way board games make me think about holidays, of time set away to while away the hours in these mostly relaxing pursuits. When I was a girl, I used to love this game though the "sorry' line could get a bit old. I don't think I had played it since I was a kid and Mrs. D would come over to babysit all of us. It was fun to revisit it again.

Well, I'll be looking forward to maybe a bit more lounging and game playing soon as we plan to gather again with extended family at Christmas. In the meantime I should keep myself going full-force as there's still lots of holiday preparing to do. I'm trying to take lots of deep breaths.


The Bowens said...

I LOVE Sorry!! I was so excited to get Pay her first board games this year for Christmas. Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, and Hi-Ho Cherry-O. Nothing better than board games next to the fire in the wintertime.

Leanne said...

Oh yes. I am a lone board game lover here...not enough people around willing to fire up the old dice. Shame. Enjoy your gaming...and deep breathing. I have accepted the fact I won't get as much pre christmas preparing in as I usually do this year but as an escape is in the planning for the meantime I don't mind much at all....maybe I should sneak some boardgames along with me?

Elizabeth said...

I loved Sorry! growing up. What a blast from the past!

RunninL8 said...

Sorry! I forgot all about hat classic game! Will have to add to our game pile! happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!