Thursday, September 4, 2008

Endings, beginnings and celebrations

Where, oh where did you go July and August? Each year summer slips by faster and faster. As a child I recall the summer months lasting for what seemed an eternity, but now with a blink of an eye September is here and to be honest I'm not sure I'm ready yet.

Blogging has been on the back burner these last few months, but I'm ready to be back...when I can find the time. The last week and a half has been a busy one. First I got sick with that dreaded mastitis AGAIN. Though I normally avoid the doctor and most conventional treatments, I went ahead with an appointment and got antibiotics. With so much going on lately, I knew my recovery time would be limited. In the last week, two big days have transpired: a birthday for my big girl and and wedding for my little sis. Ava just turned 11 -eleven, I can't believe it- and we had a gaggle of girls over to help celebrate. They did spa treatments, went to the movies and had a sleepover. The whole birthday scene is becoming more grown-up as these girls get closer to adolescence. Here is a little glimpse of the day: After the party, we prepared for yet another trip to the Cape for my sister's wedding.
I'll share more on that was a beautiful day and setting to celebrate the couple.


Elizabeth said...

What a fun birthday for Ava! It does seem that this summer has flown by faster than any one before... So sad, I am not yet ready for fall.

Laura said...

I am with you.. I can't believe it is September already. Anyway, can't wait to see more pictures of Ava's party and the wedding!

Lynn said...

Happy birthday, Ava! You can let Asher know what he has to look forward to in March...

(So glad you're back, Sabrina!)

Leanne said...

Happy Birthday Ava! Sounds like a very girly lovely. Gosh I can't imagine Mia reaching 11 but yes if time (and it will) continues to fly it will be sooner than I wish too.
Why does time speed up like that the older we get?
I hope you are truly on the mend...I had a feeling you weren't well again.
I've missed your posts.