Friday, September 5, 2008

A wedding away

With my sister's wedding inviting us back, we ventured again to Cape Cod before Summer's last hurrah. The morning after our late night arrival we joined my brother and his family and my youngest sis for a trek to one of the "Big Wave" beaches-those icy cold waters on the Atlantic side of the Cape where the large waves allow for body surfing, boogie boarding and even a few surfboards. I loved these beaches as a kid (feet numbing and all), but as a mother with small children I find them a little terrifying. Ava, however, can't get enough of the tumbling waves and begs to go each time we're near. This time the weather report and the skies did not look so promising:No matter...After a fortifying lunch at the Beachcomber restaurant (just a little hike up beyond the dunes), the clouds parted and the day turned into a beauty:But as fun as all the beaching was, the real reason for our trip was the wedding of my sister, Lea and Kevin, her mate of many years:
Aren't they lovely? The ceremony was set in a gorgeous sunken garden with the party following at this most amazing place:All in all a sublime weekend....except for the long car ride home...which had a few moments looking like this:Oh, my poor sweet Lilla is not in love with her carseat.


Laura said...

I love that picture of Ava running into the water. And poor little Lilla in her carseat!

The Bowens said...

Poor, Sweet, Lilla!

Lynn said...

Would it be completely wrong to say I loved that car photo? Not that I want to see sweet little Lilla suffer, but it's all just so true to life! Lovely wedding, and thanks for your purl support over at my place! I'm thinking...mug rugs? Felted, maybe??

Elizabeth said...

Ah what a wonderful weekend! Your sister's wedding looks like it was just lovely. And I have to agree with Lynn, LOVE that photo in the car.

Leanne said...

Ooh dear one of "those" car trips...poor Lilla...I say with just a little smirk. ;)
Looks like a wonderful trip...a beach like home and whats more wonderful than a wedding....happiness all around.