Wednesday, January 2, 2008

On Holiday

Snow and wind whistle outside. A new year is here and we are snug and cozy back home again. We spent the Christmas holiday with my family on the lovely Cape. Somehow it seems so long since our last visit but really it has only been a few months. Though I like where I currently live, I always feel the tug toward Cape Cod- my childhood home. My parents still reside there and most of my many siblings live within an hour and a half or less. Perhaps it is also the sea, its endless tide ever drawing me near.

Christmas brought presents galore, entirely too many sweets (but oh those brownies were too good) and much joy in seeing all the family. How fun for all NINE cousins to be under one roof (and challenging to get a picture of them all together)! And so sweet to see the four littlest ones scrambling around on the floor.

I thought the matching pjs were fun, though by the expressions on their faces, I'm not sure they agreed.

Mild weather gave us the chance to savor the solitude and beauty of the winter beach-scape. I especially appreciate the Cape in the off-season.

I even visited with a few friends that I hadn't seen in nice to catch up with Shirley, Sam and Kate. I'm afraid Lilla did not approve of my outing and cried in protest while I was gone.

Of course with the delight of seeing family and friends comes the tinge of bittersweet because eventually we must say our goodbyes and make the journey back to our far off home.

1 comment:

Laura said...

We had a great time with you guys.. wish we could have seen you more!