Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sweet Music

Can I just tell you how much I love the Elizabeth Mitchell children's CDs? Years ago when we lived in the Boston area, my friend Carolyn, shared her "You are My Flower" disc with me. I was stunned by the sweetness of it and quickly scooped up the "You are my Sunshine" disc, as well. I loved the fun little ditties to sing along with Ava when she was just a little thing.

Well, the other day at the library I noticed that Miss Mitchell has a new one out and of course I had to bring it home. Described as having a "hip alt-folk rhythmic and harmonic feel," it's been on repeat now for days... Check out "You Are My Little Bird." It covers Bob Marley, Gillian Welch, and Velvet Underground songs, as well as Woody Guthrie and international tunes. I love it (did I say that already?)

Does any one else have a favorite kid's CD...especially one you find yourself listening even when the kids aren't around?


Laura said...

We will have to that one out! Olivia absolutely loves Little Mo' McCoury's bluegrass CD for kids. It has songs like This land is your land, Teddy Bear's Picnic-- all in bluegrass. Santa gave it to Olivia for Xmas. Yes, I do find myself singing along too! Even Vince likes it! Check it out...

Ariana said...

I'll have to check it out, no doubt! I will let you know when I come across some good kids' music, too!