Monday, March 31, 2008

All in good time

Oh, seems like a while since I've visited my little space here ...but I suppose it really hasn't been so long. A few days is a lot though when you're addicted to blogs, as my sister Ariana commented some time ago (hey...I wish she'd return to her blog. I loved her witty words.) Lately, I've been pondering the irony of my blog name and beginning to feel like I should call it, Mama not so crafty. I mean really, not nearly enough "crafting" goes on here as would warrant the current name. I end up thinking about things, but just not getting down to business. Funny thing is, it's all the sitting in front of this here computer that eats away at my precious spare time...time I could be sewing or painting or something! It's just too easy to follow one link after another and get lost in this enticing land of blog.

Naming things is not my strong suit, as any one who knows me well can attest, so for now I'm sticking with this title here and hoping to fit in more time for projects of all kinds:

1. Making the second slipcover for a pair of chairs I got on Freecycle. Last week I made a loose slipcover for the one on the right, now the other needs a cover. The fabric is from some pale gray/lavender velvet curtains I got free. Ultimately, I hope to reupholster both, but I am not committed to that at the moment. These solid, once pretty chairs do indeed deserve a face lift.
2. Sewing up some couch pillows to go with my newly covered chairs. I'm so ready for a spring change from the pillow covers I made last fall.

3. Using a funky vintage green and white canvas to make a few new grocery tote old bags have become embarrassingly dingy.

4. Turning a favorite old dress (since before Ava was born!) into a skirt for me. I'm hoping this will be a quick and rewarding project. Being a nursing mom makes dress wearing a bit impractical.

5. Painting my bedroom walls and bureau...probably should wait a bit till I can open some windows up and have a day free.

6. Crocheting a dress for Lilla...and maybe sew her an outfit (I'm eying a sweet old pattern I scooped up last fall.)

These are are just a few off the top of my head...I know there's more ideas in that ever growing list. And I also know that if I am just patient enough and stop wasting time on the computer I'll get a chance to do it bit by little bit.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Your title is perfectly fitting for you. You are so crafty... I wish I had some of your skills.