Sunday, March 2, 2008

Good Medicine

After finally feeling like I had recovered from my cold/virus last week, I ended up coming down with a case of mastitis. It completely knocked me over with pain, fever and intense was simply awful. But now I am feeling back to myself again. Whew. Wouldn't want to let too many days go by with out a blog entry...

Today, the whole family went out for a hike in the woods. Ahhh- what a treat to be out in nature and to be get some exercise. I LOVE hiking and miss going as we haven't done much of it lately. The forest was snow covered, but the air was mild and I could almost smell a hint of spring. Oh, just what the doctor ordered.


The Bowens said...

Great pics Sa! Looks like Lilla really enjoyed hiking...sweet little tuckered out baby. I am so scared to get sounds so awful. Oh, and I am so jealous that you went to see Taj Mahal. I love, love, love his music! I think "lovin' in my baby's eyes" is my all time fave.

Laura said...

Oh, I am so glad you are feeling better. What did you do to get it to go away? It does totally suck every ounce of energy out of you. The hikes looked fun! I think I am going to try to get the girls out this morning too... finally we are all starting to feel better!