Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Podaegi baby

When Laura was here visiting, she was poking fun at the word on my chalkboard: podaegi. Making one of these soft back pack style carriers has been on my to do list for months now and there it sat as the lone word on the chalkboard. Well I finally got around to finishing this sewing project over the weekend. It's made from a sturdy linen- like cotton. I guess it's not technically a "podaegi", but more of a mei tai. Semantics aside, I'm happy with how it came out and most of all Lilla seems to enjoy it. Actually, she just fell asleep in it as I type. I found the pattern at this site. Now I'm off to figure out how to get her out without waking her up. With the super long straps this thing is complicated! And yes, my chalkboard is now filled up with about ten others things that I hope to complete some day.


The Bowens said...

Hey Lilla- That's one sweet ride baby!!

Laura said...

Oh, so that is what that word means! Looks really nice...