Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Soup's on

Rowan and I made some soup the other day. Stone soup to be exact. Remember that story? "How are we going to make soup with just stones?" Rowan asked. Well, lucky for us we just happen to have collections of rocks stemming from Cape Cod beaches to our local creeks so it was easy to rummage around the house to find the perfect ones for our soup. After carefully cleaning them, we plopped three fist sized, smooth stones into a big pot half filled with water. "I want to see the stones turn into soup!" Rowan exclaimed excitedly. I set the pot on the burner and turned it on.

"Hmmm, stone soup is good, but I bet it would taste even better with a bit of onion" I said as I set to work chopping. "And some carrot too!" Rowan added. We decided some potato, celery and garlic would also be good additions. We worked together to cut the veggies up, added them to the pot and let it simmer. In the fridge, I spied some left over tomato sauce I had made the night before and some cooked red lentils- into the pot they went. We seasoned with salt, basil, thyme and a bit of Rapunzel bouillon for good measure. We let it all meld and ta da: Stone Soup. Oh, we also had to toss a few cooked noodles into each bowl before ladling the hot soup over top and a swirl of extra virgin olive oil for richness. Then we slurped all that soup down- excluding the stones of course.

1 comment:

Laura said...

You are so creative Sa! It looks delicious and I bet it tasted delicious too... You are doing great keeping up your posts. I am slacking!