Thursday, July 10, 2008

When life hands you mint,

...make mint syrup. Or something like that. When I dug out and planted my garden space here a few years ago, I threw caution to the wind and put a mint plant in the ground. Yes, I put the mint seedling smack dab in the middle of future flower and garden beds. Books I read suggested growing mint in containers to keep it from spreading too much, but I waved my hand at that knowing how much my family- Ava especially- likes mint. I really had no idea how well the mint would take off, sending runners here and there all over the garden.Well, since I'm blessed (or some might say cursed) with an abundance of mint, I'm trying to make use of at least some of it. Of course the fresh and dried leaves make an easy, delicious tea (hot or cold). And finely shredded mint makes fresh spring rolls sing. But lately I'm smitten with the idea of mint syrup. Mint syrup to slip into iced tea, mint syrup to stir into citrus elixirs (seltzer, squeezed lemon/lime/grapefruit Oh My!) and maybe some for making mojitos, mint juleps or another similarly natured beverage. And making mint syrup is simple: 2 cups sugar + 1 cup water + 1 cup mint leaves- put into a pot, bring to a boil, simmer for 5 or so minutes, let it sit for another few minutes, strain and then refrigerate. Yum.


Laura said...

Well that just sounds delish!!

Lynn said...

Yum, yum, yum!

I just lost my mind and accepted about a dozen MORE mint plants from someone who needed to clear some space. Good to have another way to use the leaves!!

Leanne said...

Ha!..we must live in a parallel universe. I was also planning a post on my mint (we have an abundance at the moment too)and yes I also defied all advice and have mine planted in the ground. You haven't lived (or gardened) until you have planted mint in the ground! Delicious! My mint is destined for hot sweet morrocan mint tea.
Yours looks very lush and how wonderful for Lilla to forage in it! It looks more pointed than yours spearmint? I might just have to make some of your yummy syrup too and save it for summer.

Anil P said...

You must try mint chutney. Indian homes relish chutney made from mint.

Elizabeth said...

Your reference to finely shredded mint in spring rolls has me feeling very inspired...

The Bowens said...

We have some mint that is barely alive this year. Last year it was out of control and this year I barely have enough for a mojito ;0)