Friday, December 14, 2007


Just last week I broke out the old Tough Traveler backpack that I used when both Ava and Rowan were wee ones. That carrier has some serious mileage on's been on long walks through various towns and on all kinds of hikes through the woods. Now it's Lilla turn and she loves it. I love it too as she can be securely on my back while I tend to other things (and there are so very many things to do.) Well, Ava- the super helper- wanted to have a go with it. So we strapped Lilla on Ava's back and they were off.
Since Ava is just ten and Lilla is not so petite, the carrying sessions don't last long, but I had to snap a picture of this sweet moment.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Good job Ava. We have one too and we'll have to break it out soon.