Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hello sunshine!

Illness has reigned over our house the last couple days. All three kids have had their turn with a yucky virus which has added up to much coughing, nose wiping, and some feverish brows. We've gulped down many cups of tea, lounged and read piles of books. And of course we watched lots of movies to counteract cabin fever. The weather seems to be reflecting our mood lately. Monday and Tuesday's oppressive skies and unyielding drizzle melded well with our groggy selves. Today the sun is peering out from the clouds, its light intensified by the remaining snow. The kids are on the mend and I am ready to tackle the chores that await me.

Before I go, I must make note of my sweet sister's birthday. Today Sonja turns 30. Happy, happy birthday!


Laura said...

Hope you all feel better soon! Love, Laura

Ariana said...

Hope you guys are well soon! Love you guys!