Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I love this

Found it here after following more links than I can remember. Makes me smile and then want to cry a bit. It's crazy how easy it is to get lost in the land of blog, but great when you stumble upon gems like this:

Lies I've told my 3 year old recently by Raul

Trees talk to each other at night.

All fish are named either Lorna or Jack.

Before your eyeballs fall out from watching too much TV, they get very loose.

Tiny bears live in drain pipes.

If you are very very quiet you can hear the clouds rub against the sky.

The moon and the sun had a fight a long time ago.

Everyone knows at least one secret language.

When nobody is looking, I can fly.

We are all held together by invisible threads.

Books get lonely too.

Sadness can be eaten.

I will always be there.

Yes, it's that last line that gets me: I really want to always be there for my children. And eating sadness wouldn't be such a bad trick either.


Elizabeth said...

This is hysterical. I especially wonder about the conversation that led to the tiny bears in drainpipes lie.

Sabrina said...

Maybe the tiny bears keep the pipes free and clear, kind of like little scrubby brushes. Or maybe those bears are what's responsible for the strange noises that sometimes
emanate from the drain.