Friday, April 4, 2008

Sweet pea in a pod

Sometimes a rest in the sling is just the thing for a grumpy babe. Lilla has been a sling baby since day one. When she was really small I'd just pop her in her Mama-made pouch and we'd cruise along through the day. Nowadays since she's so big, I usually just use a sling to prop her on my hip for a short while, or put her on my back for longer stretches. But when she's overtired, a little ill or both, she likes the soothing comfort of being in the sling- snugly swaddled near my heart. With her head cold the last few days, the sling has been a saving grace to get her down to sleep. No other carrying position seemed to work and the usual nursing to sleep was impossible. Now that I have the same cold she had, I know first hand what all the fuss was about. Today I am a stuffy nosed, head-achy, overtired Mama. Here's to hoping for some rest and recovery this weekend...hope you have a good one.


Laura said...

sweet pea! I hope you guys feel better! It is no fun to be sick! Love you guys...

The Bowens said...

I was reading your blog from a couple of days ago and saw the picture of Lilla in the sling on your hip. I didn't realize that I could do that with the sling you made for me. So, I tried it out last night and Payson loved it!! It will definitely be our new mode of transportation. Rob even tried it out...he said he wouldn't do it in public (the sling is pink) but he thought it was really comfortable.

The Bowens said...

Oh, and we hope that you are all feeling much better soon!