Monday, April 7, 2008

Nature beckons

And calls us to skip stones in the swirling creek and examine rocks with muddy fingers: To hang from tree limbs:
and collect hiking sticks:To jog down well trodden paths:
and explore new trails with old friends:
To revisit familiar places and picnic beneath a dusky sky:
We spent a lovely weekend outdoors- letting our cheeks grow rosy, our muscles weary and our spirits light.


Ariana said...

All you need is a montage! I love these shots. Feels like home to me!

Elizabeth said...

What beautiful shots. There is nothing like being outside among the trees and the fresh air and just a little bit of mud!

Laura said...

Beautiful pictures Sa... Looks like a great day. Wish I was there! I miss Ithies!

Ally Jay said...

There's nothing quite like being outside.