Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fit for a king

Got this idea for decorating hiking sticks at the Crafty Crow. Of course now I can't find the exact page where the idea came from and I'm a little too lazy to peruse any further. But it is a great site just brimming with ideas from the simple to more elaborate. And the list of crafty things to do with kids (and grownups!) keeps growing. This hiking stick craft was from a while ago...maybe that's why I can't find it now.

Anyway, this particular craft calls for wrapping colorful tape around walking sticks. As you might know, we have an abundance of sticks around here since my dear Rowan can not go anywhere without discovering at least one amazing stick to bring home. However, our current tape selection is a little pitiful. Actually I feel lucky to find any kind of tape around the house. But, I do have a large selection of beautiful woolen yarns (most of them languishing in obscurity) . So instead of tape, Rowan and his friend Eliot wrapped their sticks in yarn. The yarn wrapping takes longer than the tape would and also required a bit of help from me. Ultimately, the boys were happy with their creations. So happy, in fact, that it required a royal costume change.


The Bowens said...

He is too much!! I love the outfit. Don't let Ava forget about my order. Rob is really needing some string and Payson can't wait for her dolls. Email me your address so I can send her some moula!

Laura said...

Rowan-- you are too cute... And, I have an order in with Ava too....

Elizabeth said...

He looks so thrilled with his costume--I love it!

Sabrina said...

Laura and LP- Oh yes, we've been slacking...Ava's sorry about the order delay.

I'm realizing that I post many variations on the whole dress up theme. Thanks for all the nice comments everyone. Rowan is just like his Dad was as a kid.

Lea & Kevin said...

Oh Rowan you are the Ding!