Thursday, June 12, 2008


Today was the very last day of Rowan's nursery school and there's a pit in my stomach. The school has been a wonderful part of our lives for the last two years and it's hard to believe it's come to a close.
After the regular school hours were over, the children, parents and the fabulous Mrs. Baldwin reconvened at a nearby park for some more playing and to say goodbye for now. We brought along a picnic and a little gift for the teacher. My ever thoughtful Rowan said as we were leaving "I'm going to miss that school so much. My eyes are filling with tears, but I'm not necessarily going to cry." That little sentiment had my eyes filling with tears. We are all going to miss our beloved Pine Tree Nursery School.


Lynn said...

Oh, Sabrina -- *my* eyes are filling with tears, for sure! Your collection of photos beautifully conveyed the tenderness of the occasion! Mrs. Baldwin looks like a gem indeed; could she come live with me? And what a precious little guy you have there.

(On a more mundane note, I love Lilla's dress! This is why I must have a granddaughter someday...)

Laura said...

Awww.... Rowan's comment was so sweet. I think I understand how you are feeling because I'll be feeling the same when it's my turn...

Leanne said...

How touching! If you can judge a book by it's cover Mrs Baldwin certainly does look like a wonderfully worldly and earthy lady with much to give children. Quite sad. Hopefully Rowan is on to even more wonderful things...imagine how great that will be if it's better tha nursery school sounds!