Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Duck, duck, duck....

Lilla has a keen eye for birds and when she spots one she eagerly cries, "Ducka!" In her world, all birds are ducks...whether they are robins or chickens or crows. What's funny about this is we rarely see ducks around here, so it's a mystery where she learned it. Lilla gets a kick out of the the ducks...or rather the chickens at Rowan's school: These chickens just wander happily round the school yard and a few turkeys and sheep are out back too.More of Lilla's words are slowly coming out. She says Dada, dog, and Ava. She says Maaaa-maaaa, but only when she's crying for me. She often points at objects so we will name them for her. I had a dream the other night that she was speaking in full sentences...but that of course is a long way off. I've got to remember to record some of these early attempts at language, so sweet and fleeting.

Lilla also recently took her first few steps on her own. She definitely looked pleased with herself ...probably didn't hurt that we were all clapping, smiling and cheering. Generally though she's pretty cautious and prefers to cruise along holding onto somebody or thing. She has attempted to head up the stairs a few times, and in this house that's a scary thing. Yes..there's still more baby-proofing to be done here.

And if you care to hear about the weather (I'm obsessed at the moment), it's still hot as heck. Days like this make me contemplate air-conditioning, but I really don't want to go there. After growing up on Cape Cod with its marvelous seaside breezes, I'm ingrained with the belief that A/C is a big no-no. I have however learned a new to me idea about managing these heat waves. Now I open the windows wide at night to let in the cool air and close them in the morning before the day heats up.

Please excuse me while I go eat some watermelon in front of the fan.


Laura said...

I absolutely love Lilla's age...Isn't it so much fun watching all these little cousins learn their new tricks? As for the weather here, I think the heat wave has left us for now- much to Mom's dismay.

Lynn said...

Wow, Rowan's school is magical!!! I want to pretend to be a kid so I can attend!

You are a better woman than I re: the AC. Here in the steambath that we call Missouri, we usually succumb to the urge to switch it on by June. I hate it, but I dislike 95-degree humid weather even more (and my clients aren't crazy about it, either). Having said all that, tonight it's 75 degrees and those windows are open!

Lynn said...

P.S. Look at Lilla go! My boys were early talkers and late walkers, but it sounds as if Lilla is conquering all of the milestones at once!

Lynn said...

Okay, I feel silly doing THREE comments on one post, so I'll respond to YOUR latest comments back at MY joint. Incoherently, of course.

Leanne said...

Oh what handsome looking chooks! Sounds like such a great thing to have them wandering the school...no better teachers than nature and animals.
Seems like your Lilla is achieving so quickly....how exciting and I always find somewhat bittersweet. Grow little one!