Monday, June 2, 2008

Going prairie style

I couldn't resist making one of these old fashioned bonnets for Lilla.

Lately, we've been on a Little House and the Prairie bender. Rowan and I have read the first six books of the series over the last month or so. Every night we read before bed...sometimes not able to stop ourselves from reading "just one (or two, or three) more chapter(s)!" We're just in love with the adventures of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her family.

Actually, I fell in love with these books when I read them to Ava a few years ago. Ava got all into it, insisting I make a slew of prairie style dress-ups. And we still have a few calico dresses, aprons, and bonnets floating around.

Oh, it's been fun falling in love all over again with these books, especially as Rowan's fresh ears listen on. And as he says of the stories: "I feel like they are a part of my heart."


Laura said...

Oh my, that is so sweet that Rowan says that. I used to absolutely love Little House on the Prairie too!

Laura said...

By the way, I love Lilla's bonnet!!
It is so sweet!

Elizabeth said...

Amazing bonnets! So Laura Ingalls! I loved those books and can't wait to re-read them someday with my own children.

Lynn said...

Rowan's comment is the sweetest ever! I need to introduce my big boy to the series -- he was traumatized by Farmer Boy a few years ago and we never managed to get past that and into the fun stuff.

We're lucky to be living in Laura country here in the midwest -- there are lots of little museums and such. Oh, and I love that bonnet, too! My great grandma always wore one to garden (which she did until age 99).

Thanks so much for your nice response to my question about why we blog, by the way!

Leanne said...

Gorgeous bonnet....lovely!
Your beautiful boy's comment touched me...what a soul!

Sabrina said...

Glad there's so many other Little house fans out there! And thanks all for the kind comments on the bonnet and about my sweet Rowan.